Example sentences of "on [art] [adj] [coord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A chamber-pot is said to be on offer with Mozart on the outside and Salieri inside ; and in the bookshops , serious biographical and analytical works are well hidden under a catch-crop of sugary Mozart nostalgia .
2 I have also lifted the catch , both on the outside and inside of one of the windows . ’
3 In the north , building design had much in common with northern Europe and primarily evolved from Lombard styles ; in central Italy , particularly Tuscany , coloured marbles were used as veneers in decoration both on the outside and inside of the buildings giving a colourful rather than plastic effect to the decoration .
4 The membrane lipids , important as sources of arachidonic acid for the cyclo-oxygenase reaction , are distributed asymmetrically with sphingomyelin and phosphatidyl choline on the outside and phosphatidyl inositol , phosphatidyl ethanolamine and phosphatidyl serine on the inner surface ( Schick , 1979 ) .
5 The Attic bi-lingual eye cup attributed to Epiktetos ( dated circa 520–510 BC , lot 9 , est. £60,000–90,000 ) is , like many eye cups , painted in contrasting styles with red-figure on the outside and black-figure on the inside .
6 ‘ I like my steak burnt to a cinder on the outside and blood red and juicy at its heart . … ’
7 Bodies are solid wood laminates — basswood normally , with ash on the 5-series and walnut or paduak-capped maple on the more exotic 6-series .
8 Very many tedious hours were spent on the dull and routine tasks of listing , plotting on graphs , meticulously checking and classifying .
9 On the Chunky and double knit ribbers , this third control is a lever at the top of the tension dial .
10 To achieve this a set of regulations has been introduced which is having a profound effect on the electrical and electronics sectors .
11 The lower part of the corps de logis on the southern or river side was built at the same time as the keep , but later raised , when a northern wing was added to it .
12 And it is the exciting part of my job is to make these links work , start to build on them , and over our links in the city on the environmental and group with Tony Benn , that 's that 's doing a very good job , he is a platform for this , for each other , but I think there 's a lot more we can do locally erm within the city to build those links , and to work together for better answers for the city , and I hope that , on a practical level , one of the things that interested me was your grants team for local organisations , and I would like to think myself here today , we might look at the health authority , and try to join with them to make some erm practical contribution , particularly to those many carers , and groups of people who have problems , and we 're not all just professionals best able to put over during our normal nine-to-five or eight-to-eight days , we we can .
13 The row came just as talks were starting on the environmental and labour safeguards that the Clinton administration wants before asking Congress to ratify the North American Free-Trade Agreement involving the United States , Mexico and Canada .
14 A further , characteristically modern variation on the pseudo-autobiographical or confessional novel is the interior monologue , as used in James Joyce 's Ulysses , where the reader eavesdrops , as it were , on the actual thoughts and sensations of the character as he or she moves through time and space .
15 Both made from remnants of terylene bought by Madeleine at a sale in Le Havre and run up by her on the black and gold sewing-machine you had to pedal like a toy car .
16 In 1983 Kraemer and colleagues suggested classification of patients with atypical naevi into four categories ( A–D ) , based on the personal or family history of melanoma and atypical naevi ( table I ) .
17 She said she was in the same boat as himself and kept her fist closed tight in the pocket of her overall on the one and ninepence Uncle Vernon had given her earlier .
18 Where an indictment contains substantive counts and a related count for conspiracy , the Practice Direction [ 1977 ] I W.L.R. 537 obliges the prosecution either to justify the joinder or to elect whether to proceed on the substantive or conspiracy counts .
19 The following appointments have been made to the Judicial Studies Board : Mr Justice Johnson , in succession to Lord Justice Butler-Sloss , ( and will also serve as co-Chairman of the Civil and Family Committee ) ; Judge Oddie , in succession to Judge White , ( and will continue to serve as a member of the Civil and Family Committee ) ; Mr Registrar Angel , a Family Division Registrar , ( who will also continue to serve on the Civil and Family Committee ) .
20 Variously suggested as Iraqi motives for causing the slick were ( i ) the desire to impede any allied amphibious assault on the Kuwaiti or south Iraqi shore as part of a ground offensive ; ( ii ) the intention of damaging Saudi coastal installations ; and ( iii ) the hope of provoking the allies into launching a full-scale ground offensive ahead of their preferred schedule .
21 Although many of the studies collected in G. Sankoff ( 1980a ) fall within Labov 's standard quantitative paradigm ( see 7.4.2 ) , others resemble Lavandera 's approach in focusing on the stylistic and discourse preferences of the speaker .
22 AMES has been involved in important educational work and has published a number of pamphlets on the social and working conditions of women , within a general analysis of their double oppression .
23 ‘ increased emphasis on the social and community aspects of regeneration -not purely the physical provision of buildings . ’
24 Social scientists in this are instructed to reflect , not on the validity of statements and propositions , but on the social and power position of the producer of these statements .
25 It was the same story on the 30th and frustration mounted amongst the crews , by the end of June Ramsay had flown 18 operations and had become well established on the Squadron as one of the most accurate navigators .
26 Siva the Serpent King , patron of the Yogis , possessor of the ultimate wisdom on the earthly or material plane , insists that spiritual evolution through ‘ illumination ’ can occur in a single lifetime , thus eliminating a succession of rebirths .
27 headquarters for the western region , was located on the mezzanine and ground floors of the northwest corner of Hotel Vancouver .
28 The gallant struggle against overwhelming odds which the rifle companies fought on the 27th and Battalion HQ Company continued until the evening of the 28th , will forever remain a landmark in the history of the Battalion and Regiment .
29 The task of mission , while depending on the empowering and guidance of the Holy Spirit , also requires human planning .
30 As a piece , although the overall process had taken almost a century to unfold and the measures were sometimes half-hearted in terms of their practical realisation , these changes signalled the arrival of a distinctively modern penal system which rested on the reformative and deterrent influence of the prison as its major instrument .
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