Example sentences of "on [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Delegates placed an overriding emphasis on hanging on to the foreign investment the country has ; on winning back firms wooed away to the Third World ; and on finding new customers .
2 On knitting back to the right hand side , the loops into fully formed stitches , as this is a repeated row .
3 She looked behind and concentrated on speeding backwards down the track , giving silent thanks that she had been the last to arrive .
4 Yet it was so , for when we docked at Rangoon next morning civil evacuation had been ordered , to be completed within forty-eight hours , and the wharves were black with excited refugees , who insisted on crowding on to the boat before we could get off .
5 At the Regina station Mr Murray insisted on climbing up into the engine tender to shake hands with and thank the engineer and fireman who had brought us through the storm on this far-from-ordinary journey .
6 ‘ It 's not snowing so heavily now , ’ he said , on climbing back for the sixth time .
7 On checking further with the European Union , I do n't take anything for granted , not even what MPs say , er , it turned out that it was n't a directive and that the Government had freedom of choice , whether it imposes it or not .
8 if it is favourable you obviously benefit by sailing in it , otherwise you should concentrate on keeping out of the flow .
9 The close folds of the fine chit on appear only near the feet .
10 On the journey back into town Merrill deliberately froze out all thoughts of the past hour and its momentous revelation , concentrating instead on driving meticulously through the heavy rain .
11 Adrian Scanlon insisted on driving up to the front door , once I had opened the gate .
12 While I 'm paying for your time , we 'll discuss whatever I think necessary , ’ and if that was n't enough to send her temper soaring , ‘ So , for a start , you can begin by telling me why , when I know as fact that two men at least hang their hat up in your home , you 're so intent — the glasses , the schoolmarm hairstyle — on living up to the Miss Frostbite label they 've pinned on you here ? ’
13 Much of the work in the first two years of school will concentrate on looking backwards at the relatively recent past ( life 50 – 80 years ago ) , using oral history , photographs , objects , and looking at the locality , the family , home and school .
14 On looking out of the windows , one saw on the opposite side of the street a bakery displaying a variety of pastries , a chemist 's shop and a barber 's .
15 And , on meeting up with the Apache after 30 years I like it now .
16 It 's very amusing , and you 've explained it amusingly to us , but er , there 's a lot of truth , I think in er , what you say and er how can we , er make the best of these unwelcome guests who insist on turning up at the most inopportune times , when we 're trying to enjoy ourselves .
17 In the morning , though our route lay the other way , I insisted on going back to the old station for one more look .
18 On going back to the airstrip later I found several Pacific golden plover with the greys .
19 She is advised to stay there for five days but insists on going back with the band .
20 Dr Bob Holman , a National Children 's Home neighbourhood worker on the Easterhouse Estate in Glasgow , told a conference in London on growing up in the inner city organised by the Thomas Coram Foundation and chaired by Lord Scarman , that most of the 44,000 people there lived in poverty .
21 To complete this bitter emotional brew there is anxiety : that feeling of dread or agitation on waking up in the mornings ; stammering and blushing ; fear of making another fool of yourself , or of your last mistake being uncovered .
22 Is their failure to remember dreams on waking up in the morning because they " really " do n't dream , or is it because they fail to remember them ?
23 We are just under one inch taller on getting up in the morning than we are on going to bed at night .
24 During the first few days of the Blitz I had to go to Kings Cross and there I saw whole streams of weary and frightened East Enders pouring through the station , intent only on getting away from the bombing with what bits and pieces of their belongings they had been able to salvage ; with their small children crying and bewildered , and family pets bundled up in rugs or protesting loudly in makeshift cardboard boxes .
25 As one who grew up in the Dark Ages and is , as a result , spiritually stunted and psychologically scarred , I regularly find myself cringing at the sight of moaning footballers and speculating , in a twisted fashion , on how much better they might play if all the energy spent on operating the jaws were to be concentrated on getting on with the game .
26 ‘ CONGRATULATIONS , ’ said one of my Welsh male colleagues ‘ on getting on to the assisted places scheme . ’
27 I did n't understand Ward 's behaviour , so I just concentrated on getting out of the city as fast as I could .
28 At one time those same children , on getting home in the afternoon , would have gone out to play — climbing trees , going fishing , playing football , running races .
29 All too often she had to watch the garment she had set her heart on disappear out of the store inside one of the giant shiny carrier bags with rope handles .
30 An associate of Gilbert , he had insisted on moving in with the team , even though his presence was not necessary , for first-hand examination .
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