Example sentences of "on [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To my mind , the answer to the question depends on ascertaining in the context of the Act as a whole what is the administration referred to .
2 On reflecting about the activities of the last year I looked up enterprise in ’ Roget 's Thesaurus ’ .
3 Other navies might stick to the old tactics of trying to board enemy ships and capture them , or concentrate on firing at the masts and rigging in the hope that successful shooting would disable the other side , but the English preferred to shoot into the hulls of their enemies because they knew that with enough time and enough shot they would destroy their opponents .
4 For the past three years , President de Klerk has maintained a moratorium on hanging with the A N C's approval .
5 Or , if you insist on hanging around the office , they will set you to work on the accounts of charities .
6 Police authorities are required to obtain the views of the community on policing in the area .
7 They 're handing out drinks , chocolate bars and advice on resting from the road .
8 The pace of change was desultory , and the district only began work on contracting under the impetus of the neighbouring district it provided acute services for .
9 Tighter regulation by Regional Health Authorities followed a much publicised role-playing exercise on contracting in the East Anglian Region known as the Rubber Windmill ( East Anglian RHA/Office for Public Management 1990 ) .
10 In recent months many software vendors which used to concentrate on producing for the Commodore , Amiga and Atari have started to supply versions for the IMB-PC and its clones as well .
11 Anglo-Saxon battle based on drawing in the Canterbury Hexateuch .
12 Many readers do not offer themselves primarily as meaning-makers , seriously intent on puzzling over the significance of texts .
13 It would , he thought with a smile , be most unfitting to explode on landing under the circumstances .
14 Officials of the Sauchiehall Street Traders ' Association — whose shopping precinct will be one of the targeted areas — said high street stores were likely to look favourably on contributing to the scheme .
15 I had paid my rent early on with the last inelastic cheque I 'd written , had n't paid my Poll Tax , had tried to find bar work but been unsuccessful , and was borrowing off Norris , Gav and a few other pals to buy food , which comprised mostly bread and beans and the odd black pudding supper , plus a cider or two when I could be persuaded to squander my meagre resources on contributing to the funds required for a raid on the local off-licence .
16 The Daemonette attacks the nearest character immediately ; on appearing in the room , all characters must make a successful I test or be surprised , giving the Daemonette a free round of attacks .
17 Renting out the family home while working abroad on contract may not be particularly appealing ; but selling it and having no stake in the home housing market on returning at the end of the contract is by no means an ideal solution .
18 On returning to the trenches , Charlie was surprised to find that the thought of at last being involved in a real fight had put the men in better humour .
19 This applies not only while out on contract but also on returning to the home country .
20 Fate dealt its hand when both Carole , my wife , and I went shopping separately to nearby towns and on returning to the cottage we proudly presented each other with same piece of estate agent 's literature — FORMER RAILWAY STATION FOR SALE - LLANBRYNMAIR !
21 The employee 's career prospects on returning to the UK at the end of the tour of duty should also be made clear .
22 On returning to the UK my luck held , and a posting to the fringe of Lakeland enabled me to complete my shopping list on Dow , in Langdale , Dovedaly , and on Castle Rock .
23 On returning to the USA she joined the UMC 's Board of Global Ministries where she stayed for 29 years until her retirement in 1990 .
24 On returning to the hotel , provided that the coaches do not break down ( remember ‘ 85 , Christine does ! ) ,
25 But he swore at a spectator who had provoked him during a game against Essex at Ilford and again on Sunday when he was racially abused on returning to the pavilion after scoring a half century which helped Middlesex clinch the Sunday League crown .
26 On returning to the surface , he carelessly looked away from where he had placed the briar and a snake ate it , whole .
27 An amusing reminder of these sorties ( I missed one of the larger of these attacks while on leave ) springs to mind when , on returning to the squadron .
28 On returning to the Soho factory , probably the next day , Murdock was immediately taken on trial .
29 On returning to the apartment , Sophie found Mozart in a high fever , trying to explain to Süssmayr how to complete the Requiem .
30 On returning to the box and resuming his duties , he was more puzzled than frightened for he did not believe in ghosts .
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