Example sentences of "be taken of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Account must also be taken of the degree of competition for the work .
2 In one corner is the Brass Rubbing Centre , where rubbings can be taken of the Washington brasses and arms amongst others .
3 None are to be taken of the flier , under any circumstances .
4 The Corpus of Knowledge has been updated in the intervening period , but it was clear that the insertion of the UK into Europe with free movement of labour , required a much broader view to be taken of the hospitality manager .
5 Within a subject the system allows little note to be taken of the level or function of material .
6 In preparing the initial proof of evidence of the plaintiff , a detailed history must be taken of the injuries , their symptoms and consequences , their treatment and the progress of recovery .
7 ( 4 ) In determining the value of an action under paragraph ( 1 ) ( a ) : ( a ) the sum which the plaintiff or applicant reasonably expects to recover shall be reduced by the amount of any debt which he admits that he owes to a defendant in that action and which arises from the circumstances which give rise to the action ; ( b ) no account shall be taken of a possible finding of contributory negligence , except to the extent , if any , that such negligence is admitted ; ( c ) where the plaintiff seeks an award of provisional damages as described in s 32A(2) ( a ) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 , no account shall be taken of the possibility of a future application for further damages ; ( d ) the value shall be taken to include sums which , by virtue of s 22 of the Social Security Act 1989 , are required to be paid to the Secretary of State .
8 Full advantage should also be taken of the payment on account scheme and all eligible disbursements should be claimed as soon as they are incurred .
9 Advantage can be taken of the filing exemptions as a small company provided that the appropriate note is included on the balance sheet .
10 If DCF is not used , account has to be taken of the cost of funds in another way .
11 A corporate view , instead , has to be taken of the school 's comparison with others — and expressed in terms of measured attainment .
12 Photographs will be taken of the guitar during its production and these will be mounted , framed and presented along with the instrument itself , as a bonus prize — a memento of a truly unique guitar .
13 The other points to note on the Regulations are : ( i ) that advantage can not be taken of the section if a provision , ‘ however expressed , ’ of the company 's memorandum or articles requires copies of the full accounts to be sent to members or which prohibits the sending of summary financial statements ( ii ) that provisions , similar to those in relation to the full accounts , apply to approval by , and signature on behalf of , the directors of the summary , and ( iii ) that , up to the end of 1991 , most listed companies do not seem to have opted to adopt the innovation .
14 On enquiry the Inspector contends that as the transactions were not recorded in the accounting records in March 1991 , no cognisance can be taken of the dividend , and he is therefore seeking to raise a s 419 assessment .
15 The estimated asking price will generally be given as a range of values , which will normally be wider than those associated with the valuation since account will need to be taken of the expectations of buyers and sellers of price reductions during the bargaining process .
16 In some interview-skills courses , videos may be taken of the trainees themselves as they roleplay , and then these are discussed .
17 The Children Act 1989 is likely to require much more account to be taken of the children 's views and those of their parents and other interested parties , but it is a process which is still seen as difficult , and is less frequently carried out than is desirable .
18 The statutory charge can be harsh , but account must be taken of the justification for its existence .
19 Some regard must be taken of the need for a kind of clarity and boldness , a clear differentiation between an object and its background , for example , which need not concern the artist working for adult readers .
20 Full advantage should be taken of the interest and availability of the press , as well as of radio and television .
21 This paper identifies and discusses factors which influenced take-up and ways in which more advantage might be taken of the training support available .
22 Moreover , account has to be taken of the needs of other generations — of children and grandparents — which impinge upon their own .
23 Account also has to be taken of the distribution of investment between branches of industry and of the intensity and efficiency of capital use — though the latter is extremely difficult to measure .
24 In our experience it is often grandparents or other family members who bring up children when their HIV infected parents have died or are unable to cope : account needs to be taken of the pressure exerted within extended families in such cases .
25 where adjacent codes are likely to denote related subjects , some account should be taken of the nearness of adjacent codes ;
26 For those who only need relatively local stations , advantage can be taken of the fact that nearly all FM stations now radiate , either slant-polarised or circularly polarised signals , so that a vertical dipole , completely non-directional in the horizontal plane , gives as much signal as a horizontal one .
27 Account will be taken of the fact that modern written Swahili developed from the written form of a lingua franca , and not from one of the ‘ primary dialects ’ of the East African coast .
28 Having said that , it is a comparatively recent imposition for rents to be payable in advance as opposed to in arrear and many tenants would argue that some account should be taken of the fact that landlords have had their money , and therefore presumably interest on it , in advance .
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