Example sentences of "be given to [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 I shall certainly be using this incident to press for priority to be given to a Skelton and Brotton bypass . ’
2 Ross insisted that the money raised should be given to the Slade School of Fine Art , for a Robert Ross memorial prize .
3 Money collected as a result can be paid in at branches of the Halifax Building Society and will be given to the Barnardos charity .
4 No matter – Christian Aid will not suffer , and it will be given to the Rev. John Page on the day of his Induction at Dunlop , as a little memento for John and Janie , of Christian Aid at St. A. 's & St. G 's .
5 Emphasis will be given to the JCT forms as these are undoubtedly the most widely used .
6 The private collection will be given to the Ashmolean when the exhibition closes in August .
7 The private collection will be given to the Ashmolean when the exhibition closes in August .
8 These are : that they remain as at present , organized and administered on an ad hoc basis ; that responsibility for them be given to the CNAA ; that they become the responsibility of TEC ; that they become the responsibility of a joint CNAA/TEC body to be set up ; and that a new and independent validating body be established specifically for foundation courses .
9 Before fifteen days are over , if it please God , those tambours shall be laid before you , and shall be sounded for your pleasure , and then they shall be given to the Bishop Don Hieronymo , that he may hang them up in the Church of St. Mary , Mother of God .
10 Manfield Charity choice : Members of the Manfield Women 's Institute have decided that the proceeds from their Christmas carol singing should be given to the MacMillan Nurses appeal .
11 The Prime Minister and senior Cabinet colleagues have been discussing whether the contract to refit Trident submarines should be given to the Rosyth or Devonport dockyards .
12 I hear what my hon. Friend says and we shall see whether more opportunities can be given to the RNR to train with the regular Navy .
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