Example sentences of "be made in the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I want to see a curricular framework which is flexible enough to permit sensible modifications and , where necessary , exemptions to be made in the interests of individual children with special needs .
2 Erm , an improvement to be made in the mobiles .
3 It has been possible , relatively simply , to prescribe most qualifying lenders on the face of the Bill , but I hope that the Opposition and others will understand that provision for others , including some institutional and centralised lenders , can be made in the regulations that we shall introduce in due course .
4 What is important is that ‘ other products ’ ca n't be made in the hours used for the order .
5 ( 4 ) On renewing a licence under this Part of this Act a licensing board may by order , to be served on the holder , direct that , within a time fixed by the order , such structural alterations shall be made in the premises comprising the canteen as the board thinks reasonably necessary to secure the proper conduct of the canteen ; and if , when application for renewal of the licence is next made after the time fixed by the order has expired , it is not shown to the satisfaction of the licensing board that the order has been complied with , the licensing board may refuse to renew the licence .
6 false markets may not be made in the shares of the target company , the bidding companies or any other connected companies ;
7 I agree that the appeal should be allowed and that declarations should be made in the terms appearing at the end of the judgment of Glidewell L.J .
8 ( 4 ) An order under this section in respect of any costs may only be made if — ( a ) an order for costs would be made in the proceedings apart from this Act ; ( b ) as respects the costs incurred in a court of first instance , those proceedings were instituted by the assisted party and the court is satisfied that the unassisted party will suffer severe financial hardship unless the order is made ; and ( c ) in any case , the court is satisfied that it is just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds .
9 ’ WEU could establish a link between a Europe in the process of unification and an Atlantic Alliance in the process of transformation and thus provide the vehicle for a stronger Europe to contribute more to joint security WEU must be at one and the same time the means of allowing Europe to make its voice heard in a Euro-American dialogue ’ — it must never be forgotten that Europe must always have an input into that dialogue — ’ of which the Atlantic Alliance is the institutional framework and the instrument for making the most of the European contribution to the defence of the West This contribution of Europe is the more essential in that the American military presence on the continent of Europe , reduced since the war in the Gulf , will remain below what it was in the past Defence policy should continue to be made in the organisations which assure collective defence , NATO , and WEU .
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