Example sentences of "be made [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Again the evidence from southern Britain is scanty , and consequently reference must be made to the similarly organized settlements outside the northern forts .
2 As well as enjoying local amenities , excursions could be made to the more famous and extensive Bois with their artificially created lakes , waterfalls and grottoes .
3 Therefore we command you to cause trees to be felled in that dense part , and a ride to be made to the least possible damage of the forest , so that henceforth a way through those parts may be open for travellers without danger .
4 They too assume that if only their methods are pursued well enough , sense can be made of the most intense , idiosyncratic experience .
5 How is the story to be unfolded ? ls use to be made of the strictly ordered oldfashioned scènes and pas d'action , variations and/or divertissements ?
6 To do this use will be made of the hitherto underused personal accounts of everyday life from the Mass Observation Archive .
7 The consumer programme shows no sign of losing momentum , indeed difficult decisions have to be made on the most effective use of resources available .
8 Improved polished stone implements , such as axes , meant that a greater impact could be made on the naturally forested wildwood landscape .
9 The award will be made for the most outstanding achievement between 1st August 1991 and 31st July 1992 , and will be presented at the RSGB 's annual convention in September .
10 … to report what reforms should be made for the more convenient , economic and efficient disposal of the civil and criminal business at present dealt with by these courts …
11 It requires a fine balance to be made between the sometimes competing needs of the school and its pupils and the needs and rights of the individual members of staff .
12 In the celebrated case of ( Re : M ) quoted in The Times , 9 May 1985 , the Court of Appeal ruled that an adoption order with a condition giving rights of access to the natural mother would only be made in the most unusual and exceptional circumstances .
13 For the simple truth was that , however many signatures we had assembled on petitions or however extensive the lists of worthy organizations opposed to Hinkley C , the decision would now be made in the totally different context of this classically British performance .
14 However , in many instances the arrangement represented the exercise of power and control over the protected State which was in a position of subordination , making it logical that claims should be made against the more powerful State .
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