Example sentences of "be a [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 In an editorial in the August issue of its inhouse magazine , Taxation Practitioner , president Jennifer Ainsworth wrote that there should be a call for the faculty to withdraw its proposals .
2 The choice of judges is fairly important and getting one or two well-known personalities on the panel could be a booster for the competition .
3 This could be a rationale for the future .
4 Mrs Hobbs had stayed behind in the hotel at Ouerzzazate because of the heat ; Richard and Flora because there was to be a celebration for the King of the Belgians and Flora wanted to see the women dancing .
5 I 'll be a granny for the fifth time .
6 It was also to be a station for the motor-car age , situated on ample land with large car-parks .
7 The study will be a blow for the government which earlier this year pledged to reduce the number of under-16 pregnancies by half .
8 It is possible that he may still be a candidate for the post of Speaker of the House of Commons .
9 It is hard to see how sexuality as such — I mean , when not combined with overt physical disruption such as torture or castration — can be a candidate for the genuinely obscene … .
10 If size of following were proof of quality , then Glazunov would be a candidate for the title of greatest living artist : in Brezhnev 's time ( he was the premier 's favourite artist ) he ingratiated himself by playing on the sentimental Slavic strand in Soviet life with ‘ symphonic canvases [ which ] overflow with the dreams and feeling of the Russian people ’ .
11 One looks stupid but harmless , the other could be a candidate for the psychiatric adjustment clinic . ’
12 The 32-year-old confirmed that he will be a candidate for the Northland ward in Londonderry in the local government elections in May .
13 Mladenov had announced , in keeping with the commitment to separate state and party functions ( and possibly reflecting his rumoured ill-health ) , that he would not be a candidate for the post of party leader , but he remained Chairman of the State Council ( de facto head of state ) .
14 " We are proposing that the President of the Republic be elected by secret vote , and that any citizen can be a candidate for the presidency within certain criteria , " said Chissano .
15 After the November 1989 general election Shekhar was considered by some to be a candidate for the premiership , despite having had no experience of ministerial office .
16 Nevertheless , on March 28 Kim announced that he would be a candidate for the party 's presidential nomination .
17 In 1939 , Pétain refused to be a candidate for the Presidency , recalling that he had once described it as only ‘ suitable for defeated marshals ’ .
18 It is also useful as a memory aid and for consolidation of classwork at home ; at the same time the textbook can be a syllabus for the teacher .
19 It contrasts with the ‘ Bare ruined choirs ’ but it may be a metaphor for the stealthy spirit of the poet within the dying , empty body .
20 Also , it would be a thrill for the cunt .
21 There 's going to be a competition for the best alternative verse I think .
22 The report to which I have just referred states : ’ Reserve depletion , especially of oil and gas , must still be a concern for the long-term , but in the medium-term , constraints of supply security and the environment are more worrying than is depletion of the resource base itself .
23 The West Indies and Pakistan both have six points from five games , and their last game in Cape Town tomorrow will be a rehearsal for the final in Johannesburg .
24 It was … contended that … if the person had become philosophically or psychologically or socially female , that person should be held not to be a man for the purposes of ( section 30 , inter alia ) .
25 The thing about the solo is that it should really be a chance for the guitar to take over from the vocalist and really hit you in the heart like vocals can , and I 'm sorry but these heavy metal solos can never really hit you because it 's just music by numbers . ’
26 In terms of both sharing the problem , and sharing the solution , there is likely to be a case for the establishment , in secondary schools at any rate , of consultative committees — with governor and parent representation - on curriculum and resources .
27 I accept that there may be a case for the use of the guillotine , but surely only after consultation with the official Opposition and the other parties .
28 We 've gone away from the days of systems imposed by the data processing department , this is going to be a system for the users . ’
29 The next Senate could be a sinkhole for the final two years of Clinton 's term .
30 Alternatively , it may be a prerequisite for the evolutionary development of intelligence — which leads us to the premonition that , in a few billion years time , there may be intelligent lugworms stalking the Earth .
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