Example sentences of "be bring [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , you may come to the conclusion that there is a real distinction between the authorities , and in this event the problem must be looked at from the point of view of general legal principle or public policy to decide whether it should be brought under the one head or the other .
2 The debate within Labour 's ranks was then about how far and how fast they should be brought under the direct control of the state .
3 It is a strange business to build an international style airport on an Ultima Thule , to which fresh water is going to have to be brought for the foreseeable future from the northern hemisphere .
4 … and then there 's the county council-run fire brigade , much in the news and about to be brought into the 1990s .
5 PRESSURE from individuals countrywide has at last enabled the matter of Vulcan XH558 to be brought into the new Parliamentary session .
6 These people can not really be criticised for doing their best with the resources available to them and could be brought into the new developments .
7 Most continue ripening in store until ready for the table , but a few varieties must be brought into the warm for a few days before they are ready to eat .
8 With increasing persistence it continued to argue that West Germany should be brought into the western defensive system with its own military forces .
9 The need to establish the legitimacy of the political system after the years of repression and apathy meant that previously excluded groups such as the organized working class had to be brought into the political process .
10 A sticking-point seemed to be the Burmese demand for the Frontier areas to be brought into the constitutional process .
11 During emergencies , when indigenous tribes attacked , every available person , male or female , would be brought into the common fight for survival .
12 There are choices to be explored , outcomes to be weighed carefully , hidden agendas to be brought into the open , and complex medical technology and legal implications to be understood .
13 How were clinical trials , so convincing for antituberculous drugs , to be brought into the sensitive area of subjective experience ?
14 This means that policy implementation may require bargaining and dealing between agencies , and that therefore considerations may be brought into the inter-policy relationship that are very much wider than the ones that appear to be at stake .
15 If the governors of the school agreed , yet more places ( the ‘ residuary ’ places ) could be brought into the same category .
16 Under such circumstances , one might predict that implicit critical themes would be brought to the explicit surface of debate , and the royalists ' arguments would draw upon anti-royalist traditions of rhetoric .
17 God 's Gift Mine , it was recognised , lay conveniently near to the Brigham smelters enabling ore deliveries to be maintained throughout the winter months whereas the other ores " further distant , can not be brought to the said smelting house , but in the sumer only … you may therefore consider how farr forth those Mynes soe farr distant may bee sett upon with good strength in sumer and what number of kibbles will weekly be gotten and towards winter when that will faile , to drive those pickmen from there to work in Gods gift , if the winter shall not hinder untill we may be furnished either out of Germainie or our own Nation with a sufficient number of pickmen to man all the works thoroughly & withall to consider whether the Myne of Gods Gift be not so plentifull as some other new Stolnes ( G. Stollen — tunnel , adit etc. ) or head ( possibly a forerunner of our word " heading " ) may be driven thereby to gitt the like weekly pportion ( proportion ) as hath formerly been gotten there . "
18 Mr Oak writes : ‘ I feel that members ’ attention should be brought to the following : ‘ The Durlia Club have not paid their rent since July 1990 ; they have failed to insure the building against fire , which is a serious breach of their lease ; they have failed to keep the building in reasonable repair following a fire in April 1991 .
19 The municipal corporations had ‘ shown such vigour and enterprise in the use of their new powers ’ ( Redlich and Hirst 1958:201 ) that the benefits of representative democracy were to be brought to the rural areas .
20 On Silver and Knitmaster and on those Brother and Toyota machines which do n't have automatic end needle selection , the edge needle nearest the carriage should be brought to the holding position on every row to give a neat edge .
21 How can the right book be brought to the right reader ?
22 This is the route that Data Logic thought IBM was originally treading , a CICS/Open strategy in which the OLTP environment , plus the wealth of CICS applications already available , could be brought to the open systems market which has only a handful of fledgling OLTP technologies to offer , and few software packages .
23 It only worked if she could be brought to the surrendering pitch of exhausted or ecstatic release .
24 As no progress could be made at that meeting , it was agreed that the matter should be brought to the next stage of procedures which is Joint Industrial Council .
25 Er and any process that will be the fund will be brought to the next meeting of the committee .
26 An action can therefore be brought against the testamentary heir for the excess over 100 aurei .
27 The minister , Mr Kobie Coetsee , said that a prosecution would be brought against the former security branch policeman on death row , Almond Nofomela , for the police murder of the civil rights lawyer , Griffiths Mxenge .
28 As news of the riots broke President George Bush appealed for calm and promised that the Justice Department would examine the question of whether federal charges should be brought against the acquitted police officers .
29 Nor is there any reason to think that claims based on private law rights will not sometimes hold up public programmes if they are allowed to be brought after the short time-limit in Order 53 ; or that claims based on public law rights will necessarily cause trouble if brought after that time limit has expired .
30 In that context , the designation by article 5(1) of the Convention of the courts for the place of performance of the obligation in question expresses the concern that , because of the close links created by a contract between the parties thereto , it should be possible for all the difficulties which may arise on the occasion of the performance of a contractual obligation to be brought before the same court : that for the place of performance of the obligation .
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