Example sentences of "be put [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Far more effective , he considered ( and there was no anti-Semitism involved , though inevitably most of the recent refugees were Jews ) , would be to put on the air people who , while speaking intelligible German , would be identified as representative British people .
2 And since the effect would be to put off the catastrophe indefinitely , since Capitalism could now continue by reason of policies which provided also a solution to the problem of unemployment , Empirical Socialism need no longer distinguish itself from the Marxist version solely by the method and pace of change , by being evolutionary rather than revolutionary .
3 Numerically , Miliutin wrote , Russia 's forces looked strong , but it was doubtful whether they could withstand the fresh and well-organized armies which the enemy would be putting into the field against them .
4 They 'll be putting on the style with new suits especially for the big day .
5 He 'd known he would n't be putting on the act as soon as the boy had handed him the carrier .
6 ‘ Tomorrow we 'll be putting on the pressure to gain access to bank records — club and personal .
7 We know from the housing benefit system that there is a backlog of cases , I think hundred and a , quite a considerable number of people of where people are having problems producing wage receipts and evidence of income now and one dreads to think of the burden that will be putting on the letting section by erm inventing yet another system o of this kind erm I think people we know that people are wary already of applying for benefits because of means testing and I think that there 's that it would simply discourage people who really are in need from coming forward .
8 However , and it also has a down- side because now the contractors will be able to see the information which used to be confidential that local authorities will be putting on the table , but the point is it 's a chink , it 's a way forward we need to build on this .
9 You need to structure it in a way that fits in with the argument that you 're go the line of argument you 're going to be putting before the magistrate .
10 But now , a few litres of Finish 'Em would be put to the service of a more crucial domestic task , the elimination of Mrs Farr .
11 A resolution to reappoint Ernst & Young as auditors will be put to the members at the Annual General Meeting .
12 If not , the proposal would then be put to the Council of eleven member states for a qualified majority vote .
13 Right , the , I was , about to er come to that , erm the erm , there is no reason why a group should not have more than one prisoner erm , the practical situation is that , that groups are queuing up to , to get a prisoner at the moment in fact , erm , not always the situation but at presently there is a waiting list for who have groups to have a prisoner allocated to them , erm , if we so wish er , ah , if , if a group comes onto the list who has er , ah , and their prisoner is released and , and we , we er in that situation we , and any group without a prisoner at all goes to the head of the list and be allocated straight away , but we could request a second prisoner and that case would be put to the bottom of the list , so when the other groups who , who 've got no prison will take priority now , but we , we could request a second prisoner if we so wanted so you are talking about a motion at the A G M , but it 's not really necessary
14 One thing we did discuss at committee but I think it ought to be put to the A G M we discussed the increase in the cost of er , admission erm we held our prices down for at least a couple of years we had a heavy outlay on cushions I do feel that erm we ought to put in to the meeting what we discussed at committee that be raised from two fifty and one twenty five to three pounds and two pounds for the concessions including students and erm the youngsters .
15 STEVEN SMITH 'S new rapport with the unpredictable Brook Street Picnic will be put to the test later this month , when he begins the tour of shows in Washington , New York and Toronto on the North American Fall Circuit , writes Genevieve Murphy .
16 In practice , the issues may never be put to the test because it is very likely that other parties would succeed in preventing referenda , but it is still enough of a departure for some evangelical DUP activists to have been initially opposed to the change .
17 The size of the combined opposition and abstentions indicated how far Lenin 's arguments had won the day , just before the Bolsheviks were to be put to the test of power .
18 This last fact means that many aspects of Salibi 's theory can not as yet be put to the test .
19 Firstly , it produces a flat statement of fact which can be put to the test , and , secondly , it states the case in an extreme , or ‘ ideal ’ , form , eschewing such modifications as ‘ most ’ , or ‘ a majority ’ .
20 So , to get to grips with this problem we now have to break down our general hypothesis into a number of smaller ones which can be put to the test .
21 Before , however , the plan could be put to the test preliminary peace terms had been agreed and England 's victory in the Seven Years War was confirmed by the Treaty of Paris on 10 February 1763 .
22 In a system that is lightly-stocked problems like these should not occur , but accidents will happen and your system 's ability to deal with them will be put to the test .
23 But that will be put to the test today by Hartlepool , who have lost only once away from home all season .
24 That 's where his fragile temperament would really be put to the test .
25 In an attempt to boost a moral and economic recovery , the government had announced that the renaissance of a country ‘ fit for heroes to live in ’ was to be put to the test in the spring of 1924 .
26 The second argument had a more practical flavour and consisted simply of a demand that the issue should be put to the test of an election .
27 Will a new electoral system eventually be put to the test of a referendum ?
28 But which of us is right can easily be put to the test .
29 He suddenly remembered that Stephen Blufton 's information about drug smuggling was due to be put to the test that day .
30 We can exist and function well without love but , alone , we will never be put to the test , never be asked to grow in a certain way , never be stretched to the full .
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