Example sentences of "be leave with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The rest of us who have completely legal secrets , though , will be left with no protection by this bill . ’
2 Police fear too that many homeowners could also be left with no protection if they 're burgled .
3 The real irony is that if Israel continues to systematically close all community service institutions , while the government sector has all but collapsed , then the people will be left with no option but to organise things for themselves … in the end only the popular committees will be left .
4 The difficulty for the vendor is that , as a result of the sale , the vendor may be left with no facilities to perform obligations under such contract and may face a claim from the party to that contract for breach .
5 Unless the buyer can show that there was a latent defect present in the goods at the time of delivery which later became manifest ( and hence that the goods could not have been of merchantable quality at the time of delivery ) he may be left with no remedy .
6 However , he went on to say that even if the sale had not been a consumer sale , the exclusion clause was unreasonable since the buyer would be left with no remedy insofar as it purported to exclude the merchantability provision .
7 After the period of inflationary expansion was over , one would be left with a universe that was expanding slightly faster in some places than in others .
8 In the temporary absence of the Warden it would save possible inconvenience if a spare key were to be left with a friend or neighbour .
9 Otherwise we will be left with a system that meets the Revenue 's commercial needs at the taxpayer 's expense .
10 The Labour Party energy spokesperson said that it would be " quite outrageous if the public were to be left with a liability of anything like £6,600 million when the profit to fund that liability [ was ] being passed to the private sector " .
11 ONE CONSORTIUM , Five TV , hopes that the imagined problems will be so great as to discourage competition and that all potential investors ( who include The Daily Telegraph ) will accrete to its application and that the ITC will be left with a choice of one .
12 People can be left with a sense of deep confusion and blame .
13 This feeling will soon pass , however , and you will be left with a sense of poise and balance that had been long forgotten .
14 After the initial shock and disbelief of hearing that you have HIV , you may be left with a mixture of emotions .
15 From Tuesday weekly newspapers may be left with a burden which , sadly , many will be unable to carry .
16 The debtor can not be left with a sum each week less than his protected earnings rate .
17 Brooke J. observed that if such a residual jurisdiction did not exist , then the judges would be left with a duty to perform but without the power to perform it in a way which they considered in all cases to be just .
18 And will I then be left with a pondful of blanket weed ?
19 Humane destruction is not easy to face and even if your pet drifts off peacefully in your arms , you can still be left with a feeling of guilt .
20 If this structure is not generated the patient will be left with a collection of content words but no argument structure in which to insert them .
21 If a product fails to sell well , the company may be left with a lot of unwanted stock which it has to sell at a reduced price
22 The last thing the retailer wants is to be left with a lot of stock that does n't sell .
23 If Virgin pulled out , Chemco would be left with an obligation to pay Barclays £16.8m in sterling .
24 It is that we tend to be left with an RE which effectively has lost its " R " .
25 Man 's free will would have to go as well , and we would be left with an unloving , gatecrashing dictator God who refuses to allow people to choose their own eternal destiny .
26 When the talk of renewal and uplift and volunteerism has dwindled and the weeds sprout amid the ruins , we will be left with the options : Plan A , let poor city neighbourhoods rot ; or , Plan B , put in dollars and jobs and a plan .
27 They fry can be left with the parents until they attain anything up to one inch in length , but it is often advisable to remove the parents long before this .
28 The rest can be left with the parents , who will probably eat them when they 're ready to spawn again .
29 It was easy to move among this great , churning concourse , and hear all there was to be heard , and no great trick , for an intelligent man , to winnow the less likely rumours out of the crop , and be left with the grain .
30 CLOSE is a limit order system which allows investors to leave orders which are then publicised in the market , e.g. if an investor wanted British Aerospace at £5.00 when the market price was £5.08 the limit order could be left with the investors ' broker , and other brokers could see it .
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