Example sentences of "be leave to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 One suggestion was that discretion should be left to the doctors and that they should tick a box if they wanted the generic drug .
2 The inevitability of that Congress should pull back , excuse me , the inevitability means that Congress should pull back from indus industrial strategies and negotiating deals , but should be left to the members concerned .
3 The size of the payments and their timing would reportedly be left to the negotiators .
4 The punishment of the enemies and the traitors of the working class , it was alleged , was the sole right of the working class and could not be left to the processes of natural degeneration .
5 They should be left to the collectors of Munros .
6 Cavity wall insulation is one of those difficult jobs which has to be left to the experts and , ideally , to make sure the job is done properly , they should be members of the National Cavity Insulation Association .
7 This decision must not be left to the magistrates to make as they are likely to base it upon pragmatic considerations only .
8 Mr Dixon heaved a sigh of relief at having gained at least one point , and decided that the question of leaving school could be left to the parents and the Principal– Hank was grateful to him for his promise not to discuss either matter with anybody .
9 David Eccles , the Minister of Education since 1959 , registered a growing public concern with the content of education — what was to be taught , and how , and to whom — and a spreading belief that such questions could no longer be left to the professionals .
10 Someone has to do it , and given the sexual division of labour which itself is reinforced by urban planning ( Harman , 1983 ) , it will usually be left to the women .
11 The European operation is too damned big a slice of the corporate business to be left to the locals .
12 If they 're relatively technical , then I , then I 'd be grateful if they can be left to the officers , but obviously if there 's anything that erm , is political in anyway , big P or small P , then at least we can get in touch with the er , P A G , and if necessary call a meeting in respect Chair .
13 Projects are too important to be left to the juniors , says NEIL FITZGERALD
14 The conclusion of counsel , with which I agree , was that in this jurisdiction no mechanism has been provided for the assessment of costs and the matter seems to be left to the justices themselves .
15 If politicians came to the conclusion that education was too important to be left to the educators , bear in mind the massive input of public resources , education 's failure to demonstrate significant improvement of standards , poor marketing , uncertain professional leadership and the fact that every year youngsters leave school ignorant of much they might reasonably be expected to know and lacking skills that could have been acquired in 11 years of schooling .
16 This decision is to be left to the governors of the school , but the Department of Education and Science is recommending as wide a definition as possible , to include legal guardians , foster parents and the head of a children 's home when the child is in care .
17 Conclusions about criminal or other responsibility should be left to the police or regulatory bodies such as the Bank of England to decide .
18 But it must n't just be left to the activists to recruit .
19 We are long past the stage where talk about the curriculum could be left to the academics ; beyond the stage where the views of the professions and the wider society had to be sought .
20 Whereas the recovery of alluvial gold could safely be left to the Iberians of the Guadalquivir , the Douro or the Tagus , the Romans found it necessary to exercise much closer control to extract gold from the mines of Asturias .
21 Contrary to declarations that there was no government policy for sterling and that it would be left to the markets to decide , by late 1981 the government intervened to reverse a fall in the exchange rate , and raised base rate to 16 per cent .
22 The rest might safely be left to the markets .
23 The gleaning laws by which the corners of the field were to be left to the gleaners was again a straightforward income transfer .
24 We concluded that decisions about divorce should be left to the parties ( or just one party , if only one wants it ) .
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