Example sentences of "be use for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 for so long as may be necessary to enable the vehicle , if it can not be used for such purpose without stopping in that length of road , to be used for fire brigade , ambulance or police purposes or in connection with any building operation , demolition or excavation , the removal of any obstruction to traffic , the maintenance , improvement or reconstruction of that length of road , or the laying , erection , alteration , repair or cleaning in or near to that length of road of any traffic sign or sewer or of any main , pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas , water or electricity , or of any telegraph or telephone wires , cables , posts or supports .
2 It is proposed that the oracle database management system will be used for such purpose .
3 These can be on the scale of several tens of kilotonnes — for example , the C4 and C5 steams which can be used for such things as petrol additives .
4 However , if the buildings can not be used for such purposes ‘ other uses are preferable to allowing the buildings to remain empty or grossly under-occupied ’ .
5 This was the seventh and final secret military mission planned for the shuttle fleet ; in future Titan-4 rockets would be used for such missions .
6 Similarly , s.4(1) ( c ) prohibits an insider , in relation to advertised securities , from communicating any information in the knowledge , or with reasonable cause to believe , that it would be used for such dealing , counselling , or procuring .
7 In the USA the DSM III diagnosis of ‘ borderline personality disorder ’ ( p. 35 ) would often be used for such individuals .
8 Skipping ropes are popular and can be used for many activities as well as skipping , jumping over and crawling under .
9 Social research is happily so varied in its subjects of study that a wide variety of techniques may be used for many research projects .
10 The potential is very high , since horticultural information could be used for many purposes , such as ecological and climatological monitoring , as well as mainstream horticulture .
11 This form will be used for each change request in order to document the results for the change review .
12 Each manipulation drop should contain only one embryo and a fresh drop should be used for each injection to minimize any possible contamination due to label diffusing out of the injection pipette .
13 Separate orders should be used for each project .
14 Acquisition accounting should be used for all acquisitions and merger accounting may be used for mergers .
15 All the printed bankruptcy forms available from law stationers , whether for use in the High Court or county court , are A4 size and this size of paper should be used for all bankruptcy documents .
16 The same drug can therefore be used for all cases of the condition , although even in conventional medicine not all patients will respond to it .
17 This idea can be used for all kinds of Christmas figures .
18 Charts can be used for all types of behaviour problems from encouraging children to sleep in their own beds , to passing a motion in the lavatory , having a dry bed , or behaving well while out shopping .
19 The Claims Salvage Register must be used for all types of salvage .
20 This policy will be used for all vessels over 16 feet 6 inches in length .
21 The round pencil can be used for all subjects ; whilst the flat pencil can be used for broad strokes and the finest lines , when worn to a chisel edge .
22 Acquisition accounting to be used for all business combinations where a party can be identified as having the role of an acquirer , since this method of accounting reflects the application of resources by the acquirer and shows the value of the net assets acquired .
23 This 'll be used for all sessions except for group work .
24 Perhaps this test should be used for all pilots , regardless of what aircraft they are learning on ?
25 Some finishes can be used for all purposes .
26 This model of assessment and care management will be used for all client groups in Southwark , but in the mental health services some additional features , both legislative and professional , will be incorporated into the overall structure .
27 Rather than providing separate certificates for each , along the lines of the existing National Certificate , it has been decided to introduce one unit-based certificate which will be used for all units .
28 erm in the first place there are no bylaws restricting the display of posters in Harlow erm there are however town planning er restraints on and indeed there are a recognised number of sites which can be used for that purpose .
29 The proceedings of the House should not be used for that purpose .
30 In a simple sale of the whole of a seller 's property , the title to which is registered , the form of transfer of whole will apply ; it 's so simple that commonly one dictates it " off the cuff " , and the top copy is made on front of Form 19 or Form 19(JP) so that it can be used for that purpose .
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