Example sentences of "be use in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My best bikes are over here and they are the ones I shall be using in the world championship .
2 non-descriptors or terms which are not to be used in the index but which appear in the thesaurus in order to expand the entry vocabulary ( terms through which the user can enter the thesaurus and be directed to the appropriate term ) of the indexing language .
3 If the attention of the theorist is focused upon a particular state of affairs — equilibrium — rather than upon the market process , the adjective ‘ competitive ’ can not be used in the sense of the characteristic of a process .
4 If , on the other hand , the golem is already working , then Haberup ( who may not this time be in a position to claim the patent rights ) has presumably done something to annoy it , and in this case ( 10 ) may be used in the sense of an answer to the question : ( 11 ) what did Haberup do to his golem ?
5 Before leaving for Bruges , he invites the monk , John : where " " pleye " " is clearly intended by the merchant in what the modern reader can identify as a particularly childish sense — " to play , have fun " — but which in Middle English , not unlike Modern English , also carries an additional sense of sexual play , and can also , appropriately , be used in the sense of playing tricks ( a semantic range similar to that of Old French dobler : cf.
6 Family connections — always important in finding the first job for a girl or boy leaving school — could now be used in the printing trade , whatever the union said .
7 However , this method should only be used in the circumstances described , for the following reason : since it is assumed that such files are not readable , they do not appear in any of the Quality Assurance processes or in hard copy outputs showing module contents .
8 Erm reasonable force to be used in the circumstances that dictated it .
9 They are simply a tool to be used in the interests of greater efficiency .
10 We asked 422 patients who had used the combined pill at some time about their knowledge of appropriate secondary methods of contraception to be used in the event of forgotten pills , severe vomiting , severe diarrhoea , and concurrent antibiotic treatment .
11 There were small stock-piles of tear gas in the prison to be used in the event of riots or large scale disturbances and Nicholson would have had no compunction about using them .
12 Here , too , weapons were not used , though , afterwards Sir Kenneth put the people of London ‘ on notice ’ that plastic bullets and CS gas would be used in the event of future disorder ( ibid.:267 ) .
13 The old Welsh laws , dating from the middle of the tenth century , make it clear that the oxen were not to be used in the afternoon ; and as Seebohm points out a cyvar ( or co-ploughing , where different people contributed different members of the ox-team and the plough itself ) ended at noon .
14 Obviously , in order that the trial should be of any value at all , both materials should be used in the way that will produce the best results .
15 To put it another way , if the principal element is an E , then the complex produced by such an extension remains an E ; and if the main element is a P , then the complex is a P. Qualification has the effect of indicating that the subordinate element is to be used in the identification of a single entity or of a single property corresponding to the complex as a whole .
16 In other words , syntactic analysis is always carried out but it may not be used in the interpretation of any particular sentence .
17 The Inria port will be used in the development work as will existing Integrity boxes .
18 Because telephone links are based on electronics , they are an obvious resource to be used in the development of information technology .
19 This chapter will discuss the usefulness of the graph-search approach , not just as an analytical tool to be used after the fact , but also as a practical tool to be used in the development of a speech understanding system .
20 The authors add that by about this age , ‘ Stable structures have replaced earlier instabilities and can now be used in the service of new cognitive skills while keeping sexual drive components in greater isolation . ’
21 Will the Leader of the House arrange for an early statement from the Lord Chancellor on the workings of the Civil Evidence Act 1968 following the collapse yesterday in Liverpool and Gravesham of several hundred poll tax cases because the Government have so far refused to introduce a commencement order to allow computer evidence to be used in the magistrates court under that Act ?
22 Nobody expects a paragon of virtue but the nurse is meant to be realistic , is meant to have self-knowledge because the ‘ self ’ must be used in the relationship .
23 In fact , if there is an un-carpeted area , real water can be used in the play sink or a bowl , and ‘ meals ’ can be followed by real washing up , sorting and restacking in cupboards or on shelves .
24 IMPROVED safety and more healthy and efficient working procedures are the main benefits of a new strap to be used in the Mason 's casting department .
25 Other announcements from the Adacom group include the Intellijet — a series of twinax and coax printers and adaptors that enable Hewlett-Packard Co Laserjet III series printers to be used in the IBM environment , and use IBM 's Intelligent Printer Data Stream , which comes from Adacom workStation Interconnectivity Ltd .
26 That led the Government to conclude that environmental concerns were bound to constrain the amount of coal that could be used in the UK in the longer term .
27 The ‘ Here I Am ’ programme is officially to be used in the diocese as the structure within which the faith is to be presented .
28 If the reason for change is not one of the preceding , and there are less than 8 weeks to your departure date , then we will credit you with 10% of the cost of the changed holiday ( if less than 14 days to departure , this will be raised to 20% ) to be used in the purchase of any other Falcon Sailing holiday within 24 months .
29 Before the 150,000 price quotations can be converted into an index , it is necessary to determine the weights to be used in the calculation .
30 Acorns and horse chestnuts were collected to be used in the making of munitions and several old pupils , on leave from the front , visited the school .
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