Example sentences of "be see from [art] fact " in BNC.

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1 His distaste for such work may be seen from the fact that Breavman refers to the ( infrequently visited ) lecture rooms of Columbia by saying to Krantz : ‘ Nothing smells more like a slaughterhouse than a graduate seminar .
2 The gathering momentum of clericalism under the Carolingians can be seen from the fact that while Alcuin still addressed his learning in many ways to the laity , his pupil Hrabanus Maurus , abbot of Fulda , wrote the De Institutione Clericorum , a compendium of theology and law exclusively for the clergy .
3 The appeal of liturgical monastic religion can also be seen from the fact that when Ethelwold in the 960s expelled the married clergy from the church of Winchester in favour of celibate monks , three of the former clergy , Eadsige , Wulfige , and Wilstan , returned as celibates to the new communal life .
4 But that this is not the whole explanation can be seen from the fact that the members of Annales do not treat ‘ l'histoire totale ’ as a homogeneous body of facts and theories which all fit neatly together like a vast jigsaw .
5 The importance of this can be seen from the fact that the Thirty Tyrants who seized power briefly in 404–3 BC decreed that only 3000 citizens should retain the right to trial , while all others could be summarily executed by government order .
6 In essence it ‘ averages out ’ variations in incomes or consumption , as may be seen from the fact that in Eq .
7 Some indication of the pressures which these place on our finances can be seen from the fact that only two years ago the direct costs of these two areas were £175,000 and £70,000 respectively .
8 The court took the view that the case raised issues that were sufficiently difficult , as could be seen from the fact that the parties were represented at the hearing by counsel , to justify the decision that the procedure had been an arbitration .
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