Example sentences of "be see [prep] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Corners can be cut on flowers and remember , the flowers at the reception are going to be seen for a longer time than those in the church .
2 A simple combination of a selected focus with one of the modes of argument outlined above would be an essay with a focus on Ralph Ellison 's Invisible Man [ focus ( ii ) ] , which argues that it is underrated as a novel and indicates why it should be seen as a greater achievement [ mode of argument ( a ) ] .
3 The move will be seen as a further step towards a possible post-election deal between Labour and the Liberal Democrats , who are holding out for a commitment to PR for the Commons as a pre-condition of backing a minority government .
4 Immigration has so far played a relatively minor part in the election campaign , and Mr Baker 's decision to raise it now will be seen as a further attempt by the Tories to prevent their support slipping , particularly among skilled workers and their families .
5 Such moves , some between private companies and others inspired by governments , can be seen as a further restructuring of the European car industry , faced with the increasing challenge of Japanese and other Far Eastern competition .
6 Honey 's work also presents difficulties for the viewer : on the surface it could be seen as a further exploitation of the female either as a child or a woman , but this would not do this work justice .
7 But the meeting will also be seen as a further strengthening of Anglo-Irish ties at a time when the governments in London and Dublin are trying to start new talks aimed at finding a political solution in Ulster .
8 The most widespread bee-eater of the region , and the only bird with harlequin plumage and central tail feathers slightly projecting likely to be seen over the greater part of it .
9 Such arrangements have to be seen in a wider context .
10 So Heineken 's recent big-money renewal of their sponsorship of the Heineken National League has to be seen in a wider context than the clubs who belong to the league .
11 By this method the detail of the object will be seen in a wider visual angle and the retinal image will be magnified , a greater part of the retina thus being activated .
12 There is , first , the relationship between rich and poor nations , which may be conceived in terms of neo-imperialism and dependency ( but in that case imperialism has to be seen in a wider perspective than that which treats it exclusively as a stage in the development of capitalism , important though this latter process is ) , or in terms of the current preoccupation with a ‘ North-South dialogue ’ , which is today more a confrontation than a dialogue .
13 Human rights issues , as illustrated by AIDS , have to be seen in a wider context and , conversely , one can not contemplate the totality of public health without the human rights component .
14 The immense amount of detailed experimental and theoretical work done on the equations often allows these new developments to be seen in a fuller context than is possible with newer and less well understood systems .
15 This increase , however , needs to be seen in a longer time-scale .
16 This practice can , however , be seen in a later context in the life of St Samson of Dol , the earliest version of which is a copy dating to c .
17 Developments across the country are uneven , but the shape of things to come can be seen in the greater provision of minor surgery by general practitioners , the increase in health promotion work in general practice , the employment of staff such as physiotherapists and dietitians to work alongside general practitioners , the establishment of shared care arrangements for treating conditions such as diabetes and asthma , and the introduction of ‘ treat and teach ’ schemes , in which specialists carry out some of their consultations in general practitioners ' surgeries and develop the skills of general practitioners in the process .
18 The ruins of old Seagoe church are to be seen in the lower graveyard .
19 The confluence of the San Juan and Colorado rivers can be seen in the lower centre-left of the image .
20 The additional challenge of achieving full educational as well as social integration for children now in special schools needs to be seen in the wider context of a major reappraisal of what ordinary schools have to offer the pupils already in them .
21 The primary school curriculum was to go beyond the basics of English and mathematics , which in any case should be seen in the wider context of other subjects .
22 In our view , the impact of out-of-town shopping on the viability and vitality of town centres must be seen in the wider context of the growing imbalance between private and public modes of transport .
23 This is not to say that the contributions which social scientists may make to solving particular technical problems , or enlarging the sphere of rational decision making , should be dismissed altogether ; only that they have to be seen in the wider context of political contestation and choice .
24 The whole business therefore needs to be seen in the broader framework of how you envisage your future .
25 A general tendency towards making artillery lighter and more mobile can also be seen in the later decades of the century .
26 Our non-academic pupils however , were not too concerned about this aspect , but as will be seen from a later section , lack of order was a real problem for those people who wanted to get on and pass exams but were in mixed-ability groups .
27 The considerable increases in the Labour vote in Knowsley and Tameside do , however , have to be seen alongside a lower level of party competition .
28 The impact of the Spanish Civil War on British public opinion must be seen within the wider context of the international events of the 1930s .
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