Example sentences of "be make between [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 A distinction may be made between assessment and evaluation .
2 Once completed the exercise enables comparison to be made between hospitals/specialties and thus the inequities in financial distribution to be identified .
3 Nevertheless the Cuk converter topology seems likely to remain an outsider until a true trade-off comparison can be made between Cuk and Buck at a series of realistic equivalent performance levels , a task that would take a lot of time , but whose results would be of great interest to many in the power supply design field .
4 The response from the State Department came in a message dated the following day , 15 May [ KP 125 ] : " We believe that no distinction should be made between Chetniks and other dissident Yugoslav troops and that our position with respect to anti-partisan or dissident Yugoslav troops in general , in agreement with that of the British Foreign Office and in accordance with Macmillan 's recommendation , is clearly set forth in PEP TEL 424 , May 2 .
5 Some interesting comparisons can be made between RAF and USAF training methods .
6 So , leaving aside nonlinear outlay schedules until chapter 4 , how might a societal choice be made between value- and cost-based pricing ?
7 This has the advantage of relating expenditure to sales , but it discourages innovative approaches to advertising expenditure and does not allow for distinctions to be made between products or sales territories .
8 A distinction must also be made between agroforestry and plantation forestry ; the former involves the integration of silviculture with agricultural systems while the latter is entirely given over to timber production .
9 Her Majesty 's Government , by the mouth of the Queen 's chief minister , has announced that no distinction is henceforward to be made between universities and other places in which students of similar age and attainments seek instruction and qualifications .
10 On the day when a choice had to be made between ruin and reason , Pétain received promotion
11 Comparisons will be made between organisations and over time , analysing the different structures , procedures and techniques for performance management .
12 There is a distinction to be made between policy and arrangements made for its implementation .
13 The survey was repeated in November 1991 so that comparison could be made between summer and autumn attendance .
14 In addition to employing specific elicitation procedures , some tests seek to quantify the data obtained so that numerical comparisons can be made between individuals and with respect to the same individual at different points in time .
15 Although the New Movement faded in its significance , because it ignored parts of the practical experience of educational management which practitioners themselves regarded as important , what was left was still a recognition that education management is a field of application which allows fruitful connections to be made between theory and practice .
16 As far as the use of hospitals is concerned , a distinction must be made between out-patients and in-patients .
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