Example sentences of "be make by the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The final decision to put below-the-line agencies in the hands of ACA will be made by the reports committee on January 20 .
2 The old workings which were flooded had first to be unwatered before connection could be made by the workings rising from Taylor 's Level below .
3 It has a strong emphasis on specific objectives ( related to a number of vocational choices to be made by the students themselves ) , to cross-curricular skills and to profile-reporting on progress .
4 At the outset , the plaintiff may be slow to contact a solicitor , negotiations for a settlement may drag on , the extent of the plaintiff 's injuries may not become clear until the end of a lengthy period of treatment , investigations may have to be carried out to ascertain the evidence , expert opinions may have to be obtained , communication and action by both sides may be poor and slow , the advice of counsel may be taken , pleadings are often extended , the length of time spent waiting for the trial to begin can be substantial , and errors may be made by the professionals involved .
5 Letting someone else decide — most often manifest in people applying for a wide range of jobs perhaps with little in , because they are unable to decide which is most appropriate for them and hoping that somehow the right choice will be made by the employers themselves .
6 An informal discussion took place between the advocates with the clerk of the court as to the use that could be made by the justices of those statements and that medical report .
7 We are involved in an exercise of partnership through sharing know-how with those republics in a wide variety of different areas , but any changes must necessarily be made by the republics themselves .
8 The Minister said that changes might be made by the trustees only with the approval of the Scottish Transport Group board and also with the approval of those voting at a meeting of members of the scheme .
9 Separate accounts would be opened for the members of the party ( rooms 507–510 ) for any extra charges they would incur and settlement of these accounts would be made by the individuals .
10 It was suggested that every effort should be made by the Centres to comply with the form required in order to establish the Centres as the major selling agency in Scotland .
11 This management agreement is to formally set out the relationship between them to establish the investment policies to be pursued , the powers of the trustees or the investors , and the investment advisors , to establish clearly the fees and charges which are to be made by the advisors and the basis on which they will be made .
12 If the passenger is not in possession of a licence , but states he is the holder of the necessary licence , further enquiries will be made by the police officer to ascertain whether or not he is a duly licensed driver .
13 ‘ A lot of money can be made by the dogs ' owners .
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