Example sentences of "be make of the [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Enquiry should be made of the court as to its particular practice .
32 He has been able to formulate a general model which encompasses existing models and enables tests to be made of the robustness of the results reported in The Population History of England by varying the projection parameters .
33 Finally , mention should be made of the halt instruction .
34 Maybe at the end of our enquiry we shall decide that no philosophical sense can be made of the world — and the world does not seem to be primarily linguistic .
35 Kelly ( 1955 ) notes that it is only by being attuned to repetitive aspects in the monotonous flow of life that sense can be made of the world .
36 Second , a comparison will be made of the method and costs of producing a particular product in the different regions — including labour costs , material costs , energy costs and so on .
37 Further , he was not satisfied that the application of s 2(8) to the use to be made of the transcript would fetter the SFO 's investigative powers , as ( once the existence of facts disclosed by the transcript became known ) these could be proved by other means .
38 One of the four main aims of MEP states that , " … use should be made of the microcomputer to develop the individual 's capacity for independent learning and information retrieval and computerized information retrieval in school libraries can provide such a learning situation through the successful integration of curricular needs and information sources .
39 Special mention must be made of the team from the BR Electric Traction Depot who managed to field no less than 10 female members in their team .
40 There is one criticism to be made of the Review Panel .
41 Initially a survey will be made of the engineering curricula and research in a range of British university departments , past and present .
42 It is too early to give a confident forecast of the use that will be made of the SE .
43 Together with radiometric age determinations of the most recent eruptive episode , such reconstructions enable estimates to be made of the amount of material eroded over a known period of time .
44 The X-rays were quickly ( and accidentally ) found to penetrate living tissue and leave shadows of the less penetrable denser parts , allowing X-ray pictures to be made of the skeleton .
45 Dr David Morris of Newcastle University A MAJOR new study is to be made of the health of pre-school children on Teesside and Wearside .
46 Mention must also be made of the marginalization of many black teaching staff because of their employment in ‘ community language ’ teams or as Section 11 teachers .
47 Sir William dealt with this in his own typical fashion , hanging three Douglas ringleaders there and then , but demanding a like example to be made of the Hamiltons , which was scarcely equitable , since the Douglases had started it all and were three times as numerous as their hereditary foes .
48 As items are chosen they are crossed off the list to avoid duplication , and a note will be made of the donor 's name .
49 For instance , professional mathematicians often prefer the phrase " ring of integers " to " collection of all integers " , even when no use is to be made of the ring structure : the algebraic terminology gives a more complete , a more faithful picture .
50 No positive identification could be made of the bodies , Mexican sources at the crash site informed ACN .
51 Although it is not always possible to match jobs perfectly with aptitude , use should be made of the strength and expertise of senior staff in the jobs to which they are best suited ; their enthusiasm will spread to assistants and a higher level of general motivation will result .
52 ‘ In the nature of things most respondents applications for discovery in aid of restraint orders would be able to rely upon the privilege against self-incrimination and the fact that Parliament has made no special provision in this regard suggests that , in that context , restrictions upon the use which can be made of the information were accepted as being effective .
53 Finally , mention should be made of the pioneer work being done within the Department of Local History of Leicester University .
54 As for previous periods , searches should be made of the contents of the proceedings of local historical societies , Notes and Queries , the Victoria County History volumes , and the Amateur ( later Local ) Historian .
55 The arsenic data subset for North Wales has been specially prepared , in collaboration with the Geological Survey of Canada , to enable an assessment to be made of the use of arsenic in water as a pathfinder for the detection of precious-metal mineralisation and of potential natural and anthropogenic environmental hazards .
56 A special mention should be made of the use of novel forms of clauses designed to exclude any possibility of judicial review .
57 Mention should also be made of the importance of large corporate organisations as disseminators of news , entertainment , and cultural values , bringing an ability to influence perceptions of political issues and prompting Goyder to ask whether ‘ spiritual and intellectual values [ can ] be safeguarded when the channels for their transmission to the masses are cut in commercial grooves for commercial ends ’ .
58 This study should allow a reliable assessment to be made of the importance of this factor in the context of classroom computing .
59 If the parties , when they wish something to be made of the essence , say so in terms , then obviously it is of the essence if they do say so , and the probability is , that where they do not say so , it is not intended to be of the essence ( Amherst v Walker ( James ) Goldsmith & Silversmith Ltd ( 1980 ) 254 EG 123 ) .
60 It seems clear that , with careful safeguards , we need some legal machinery , similar to the provision of Place of Safety Orders for children , by which an old person could be received into residential care for their own protection , at least for a limited period of time , which would afford a breathing space for all concerned and enable a proper assessment to be made of the situation — including the wishes of the old person once they were out of the violent or neglectful environment .
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