Example sentences of "be make [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But nevertheless genuine progress continued to be made across the board : people continued to get healthier , more literate and more educated .
2 These modem developments contrast with the situation earlier in this century when for example there was no bridge between Benbecula and North and South Uist , and crossings had to be made across the beach at low tide .
3 Clearly the policy does allow for additional provision to be made outside the city in the remainder of Greater York , and that is the basis upon which the the City Council has accepted the a hundred and forty five hectare figure for Greater York .
4 The approach to the hole should always be made along the stream bed and halted a safe distance from the brink .
5 Do you think that improvement could be made along the line of the existing road ?
6 one unsolicited call or visit can be made to a non-client .
7 ‘ tending to show that an offence had been committed , or ’ This point includes a conduct such as a straightforward report of a false crime to anyone , but it will usually be made to a constable , e.g. that a person 's car has been stolen or taken without authority or that a house has been burgled .
8 The report need not be made to a constable .
9 Applications must be made to a circuit judge , who can issue the warrant by virtue of section 9 and Schedule 1 if he is satisfied that it would have been appropriate to issue a warrant prior to the Act .
10 An additional power is given by section 8 which allows an application to be made to a magistrate for a warrant to search for evidence of a serious arrestable offence .
11 In contrast , when , in the same month , three terrorists were charged with conspiracy to murder Tom King , former Secretary for Northern Ireland , armed not with weapons but with a magazine article on sniping , it was announced in mid-trial that significant changes were to be made to a suspect 's right to silence .
12 Nor will concession be made to a tendency to weep during the days immediately before her period .
13 Application for an extension of time to apply to set aside a statutory demand can be made to a bankruptcy judge in the High Court or to a registrar of the appropriate county court .
14 There is a range of such subcommands available in GIMMS ; these two were selected to illustrate the way in which changes can easily and quickly be made to a command file if the result of a GIMMS run does not meet the user 's requirements .
15 Where a county court which is not a care centre makes an interim care or supervision order with a s37 direction for investigation , any application relating to the interim order must be made to a care centre and not the original county court .
16 Of course , it is not uncommon for alterations to be made to a side from the time it is announced until the team actually takes the field .
17 Section 312 Companies Act 1985 makes it unlawful for any compensation for loss of office to be made to a director of a company in connection with the transfer of all or any part of the company , unless the nature and particulars of the proposed payment have been disclosed to the members of the company and have been approved by the company .
18 When all the possible beneficiaries are of full age and under no disability ( such as that of an infant or lunatic ) , they may put an end to the trust by requiring the trustee to transfer the property to them or to dispose of it according to their directions ; and this is so in spite of any direction to the contrary in the settlement , such as a direction that payment is not to be made to a beneficiary till he reaches the age of 25 .
19 A comparison can be made to a group of marble figures recovered from a brothel in Pompeii .
20 Note that any of the above applications may be made to a county court care centre or the High Court if there are already public law proceedings pending in that court in relation to the same child ( APO , art 3(3) ) .
21 This may have only a marginal effect on the owners of a semi , but in blocks of flats contributions have to be made to a maintenance fund .
22 However , it is accepted that there will be specific cases where it is necessary to leave the salvage with the Policyholder for the purposes of a settlement , in which case some adjustment should be made to the settlement figure .
23 Thereupon we all agreed solemnly that it was a private matter and that no announcement would be made to the press .
24 ‘ In fact , it was only after some debate that the organisers decided to carry on with the event , and some changes had to be made to the canoe course to make it easier for the rescue boats to assist competitors .
25 Donations can be made to the Dolphin Research Project c/o Windsor Safari Park , Windsor , Berkshire SL4 4AY .
26 There are numerous improvements that can be made to the system .
27 Applications can also be made to the Land Tribunal to modify or discharge the restrictive covenant , but this will of course take time .
28 How can further improvements be made to the range and delivery of Government services , aimed at promoting business interest , particularly small and medium-sized enterprises ?
29 On rare occasions complaints may be made to the school which could lead to court action .
30 For an introductory classification and discussion of auditory effects in poetry , see Leech(1969)Ch6. ( xii ) Once again , reference may conveniently be made to the treatment of these figures of speech ( paradox , metaphor , irony , etc ) in Leech ( 1969 ) Chs 8–10. ( xiii ) Some aspects of cohesion are discussed and illustrated in 7.8 .
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