Example sentences of "be make [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 True , there would be argument about how or whether Iraq was to be made to conform with clauses in the 11 other relevant Security Council resolutions and horror at the thought of the Iraqi regime surviving with its army and air force still largely undestroyed .
2 ‘ We need some people to be made to testify under oath so we can find out what went wrong with that investigation , ’ said Mr Laframboise , stressing that , at this point , it does not matter that most of the physical evidence has been destroyed .
3 In addition , there are some ideas about further changes that should be made to deal with poverty in old age , which is largely a problem for women .
4 Decisions still have to be made based on product profitability .
5 The impetus for the film to be made came from Paul Muni , who was always on the look-out for suitable social themes .
6 If leave is refused a direction must be made dispensing with service or providing for the documents to be served in some other manner .
7 These should be built into a code of practice to meet standards and objectives drawn up by the Director General of Fair Trading , and this code should be made binding on members by the relevant trade associations .
8 If detailed semantic and syntactical analysis of words in a commercial contract is going to lead to a conclusion that flouts business common sense , it must be made to yield to business common sense ( The Antaios [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 229 at 233 ) .
9 The worry is that the jury can not be made to abide by directions of this kind , and so it is alleged that , if no evidential weight attaches to the refusal to answer , it would be better to exclude it altogether than to run the risk .
10 Watching the characters being bugged on TV monitors , the audience would themselves be made to feel under surveillance .
11 These binocular cells can be made to fire by impulses arriving by way of fibres from either eye but there is normally a bias in favour of one eye or the other , the so-called ocular dominance of the cell .
12 The unit credit should in our view contain , or be accompanied by , such diagnostic and self-assessment materials , which can be made known to parents so that they can play a more informed and supportive part in promoting the education of their children .
13 Let us imagine that you are studying this in your room and you read verse 6 : ‘ Have no anxiety about anything , but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God . ’
14 The exercise was regarded by the then minister for health in Scotland , Michael Forsyth , as a piece of ‘ action ’ research , the results of which would be made known at intervals during the evaluation .
15 The peace of God is ours through prayer , ‘ Be careful for nothing , but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God .
16 In the capital the police told employers to work their men to the point of exhaustion the day before the terms were to be made known in order to leave them too weary to protest .
17 Real concrete problems , such as the fact that Germany is the biggest trading nation in Europe , 50% more populous than France or Britain , that she holds half of the Soviet Union 's debt and has lent more money in government-guaranteed credit to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union , can not be made to disappear with words .
18 Although this seems to refer to a significantly later period , it can be made to relate to Mallia 's early economy , in which some surplus food was stored in the larger private houses .
19 Rosen said an Australian intelligence agent told him that the word is now out in South-East Asia that money can be made selling to investigators and journalists phoney samples of ‘ contaminated ’ articles .
20 If ‘ they ’ can be made to change by education or compulsion , then the problem of soil erosion and pasture degradation would be solved .
21 An attempt will also be made to look at changes in the years since the last war in order to establish long-term trends , if any .
22 That could be made to look like abuse of his authority at a subsequent inquiry .
23 In this study an effort will be made to focus on North Shields in terms of the OPCS-defined urban area , but where this is not possible it will be made clear just what space is being referred to .
24 Particular effort should be made to keep in touch with nurses who have left employment and who may be able to return at some future date .
25 Determined efforts should be made to keep in touch with the family , irrespective of the patient 's age , and to give practical advice .
26 International arrangements may be made to cater for refugees such as the Vietnamese ‘ boat people ’ ; the insecurity of religious minorities ( e.g. the Sikhs in India ) also causes redistribution of population .
27 This is acceptable in the textbook , and can even be made to work on audio , but it is more difficult when we can see real people in a real setting on video .
28 There is also a belief that as far as possible people should be made to pay for services provided by the state , partly to reduce public expenditure and taxation , and partly because it is believed that charges will increase public pressure for services to be provided efficiently .
29 Labour social security spokesman Donald Dewar said : ‘ Claimants should not be made to pay for Government 's economic incompetence . ’
30 Those journalists who recklessly write false stories deserve to be made to grovel in apology .
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