Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to have [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Lastly , it should be noted that a party who reserves legal rights following breach can still , as a matter of law , be regarded to have waived the breach .
2 A further controversy was over whether the girls could be considered to have brought the rape on themselves by being out at night .
3 To this extent the law can be considered to have endorsed the corporatist perspective .
4 The ‘ development risks ’ defence is available where the defendant shows ‘ that the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the relevant time was not such that a producer of products of the same description as the product in question might be expected to have discovered the defect if it had existed in his products while they were under his control . ’
5 ( c ) Where the defendant can show that : " the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the relevant time was not such that a producer of products of the same description as the product in question might be expected to have discovered the defect if it had existed in his products while they were under his control " ( s. 4(1) ( e ) ) .
6 Section 4(1) ( e ) states as follows : ( e ) that the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the relevant time was not such that a producer of products of the same description as the product in question might be expected to have discovered the defect if it had existed in his products while they were under his control …
7 will deliver the Converted Text of the Work to no later than 30 days after the execution of this contract and will be deemed to have accepted the Converted Text of the Work within 30 days after the date of delivery , unless is notified to the contrary .
8 Neither Nicaragua297 nor any other State had challenged the statements , and they must therefore be deemed to have accepted the classification .
9 Details of any such contract conditions will be supplied by us on request , but you will be deemed to have accepted the same as part of the terms of this order , whether such request has been made by you or not .
10 It further provided that if the tenant failed to serve a counternotice he should be deemed to have agreed the rent specified in the landlord 's notice .
11 It is too early yet to say how useful the discourse approach will be , but even if it achieves nothing else , it can at least be claimed to have shown the inadequacy of attempting to analyse the function of intonation on the basis of isolated sentences or tone-units , removed from their linguistic and situational context .
12 The Medway Letter Line was meant to include ‘ unknown ’ floods , as well as recorded ones , and as information on flooding has become more sophisticated , it can now be seen to have overstated the benefit area by attempting to be on the safe side .
13 The conclusion reached after analysing the seven policy areas was that no one influence could be seen to have caused the growth of government .
14 By relief it was stipulated that at least two hundred armed men must be seen to have entered the town , with due provisioning .
15 In which case they could not be said to have decided the issue for themselves , let alone for others .
16 In short , the Declaration of Rights can be said to have confirmed the legal sovereignty of Parliament .
17 For the West , the imaginary war could be said to have defined the era of Fordist capitalism .
18 Moreover , elements of the personality cult had attained far wider resonance and , as we have seen in earlier chapters , can be said to have affected the vast majority of the population , leaving completely untouched only sections still wholly anchored ideologically in left-wing philosophies of life , those totally alienated by the attacks on the Churches , and a few exceptional individuals among intellectuals and members of the upper bourgeoisie who despised the irrationality of the Führer cult , were entirely nauseated by the populist vulgarity of Nazism , and could see national disaster looming .
19 Can any conductor , though , be said to have made the same impact on recent musical history as that made by Bach or Beethoven or Wagner in the past ?
20 Once a practice has become well established in terms of the relationship within or between different organs of the state , finding recognition in works of authority and by those involved in its operation , then it may be said to have reached the status of a convention .
21 But although earlier events can not be said to have caused the crisis , they did have some bearing on how it developed .
22 But although earlier events can not be said to have caused the crisis , they did have some bearing on how it developed .
23 Further legislation followed , which could more reasonably be said to have united the hitherto disparate regimes of legacy and trust .
24 In the process Fanon might be said to have overestimated the extent to which , from subordination , it is possible to construct ‘ a politically conscious , unified , revolutionary Self , standing in unmitigated opposition to the oppressor ’ ( Problems , 30 ) .
25 What emerges from the space of humanism contradicts what once defined that space ; in this sense Fanon can be said to have followed the path of the perverse : a negation of the dominant is made from a trajectory that emerged from it — a deviation from , which is also , simultaneously , a contradiction of .
26 The office-holders and agencies which ran the new units — the elder , the clerk , the executive board , the assembly , the court — were elected by the peasants whom they served , but it is only with considerable reservation that volosti can be said to have increased the representative character of the imperial polity .
27 The exhibition may be said to have motivated the adoption of Chinese art studies in western universities .
28 Lyotard 's definition of postmodernism as the subversion of metanarratives , then the nouveau roman can be said to have rejected the totalizing metanarrative of existentialism , even if only to have replaced it with a literary-historical metanarrative of its own .
29 His claim to have loved Clare Mallender and to have had her stolen from him somehow lacked conviction and , anyway , his conquest of Virginia Dysart could be said to have evened the score .
30 It will be the teacher 's judgement , made over time and through observing performance in different tasks , whether pupils can be said to have attained the abilities identified in a Statement of Attainment .
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