Example sentences of "be [vb pp] as [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Tests which are not based upon adequate linguistic descriptions must be regarded as lacking in construct validity .
2 The transaction in the new site will be undertaken by Tradeco , which will be regarded as carrying on a trade .
3 Precatory words were one , but only one , category of words which would be accepted as setting up trusts if they made the testator 's intention clear .
4 The risk of the Kantineservice decision is that , although there is no true transfer of an undertaking when the franchisor is changed , the person acquiring the franchise may be seen as taking over responsibility for running the undertaking and will normally retain the original employees .
5 The term 's work was not to be seen as leading up to the audio tape .
6 But it was Barth himself who really carried this programme through , insisting that even the doctrines of creation and sin must be grounded in christology , that there is no predestination of God apart from Jesus Christ , that on the cross Jesus himself is the one rejected and abandoned by God , and that both judgement and mercy , reprobation and election , must be seen as worked through in him , All these lines must , so to speak , be carried into the centre where they meet in Jesus Christ himself , and be seen as opening out from him rather than as constituting a distinct frame of reference into which he can be subsequently fitted .
7 But such a massive U-turn — Mr Major has always rejected a public vote — would be seen as giving in to the rebels .
8 It was thought that Iraq had chosen to respond to the appeal from a friendly leader of the Non-aligned Movement , rather than be seen as giving in to Western pressure .
9 The aphids of Chapter 10 could be seen as paying out nectar to hire professional bodyguards .
10 More generally , his theory provides us with a remarkable insight into the nature of the British constitution ; the entire thrust of Oakeshott 's work can be interpreted as laying down a view of the world in which the British constitution with its conventions , understandings , and practices which have evolved through a slow historical process actually makes sense .
11 Briefly summarised , these are first , that photosynthesis may be ‘ switched ’ on and off reversibly : and second , that its behaviour is highly modular in that the complex series of reactions that make up photosynthesis can be reviewed as going on inside a number of ‘ boxes ’ , each fairly distinct and separable from each other — the light-harvesting mechanisms , the conversion of the light energy to ATP , the use of ATP to make carbohydrates and so on .
12 ‘ How could that possibly be misconstrued as closing off ? ’
13 Thus in ( 140 ) below the lighting of a fire is presented as a condition which would have permitted Pops to be found sooner , but the fire could not be conceived as acting on Pops directly itself and " making him be found " : ( 140 ) A fire would n't have mattered except that it would cause Pops to be found sooner .
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