Example sentences of "be [vb pp] on to the " in BNC.

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1 He was relying on the earlier case of Nichol v Martyn [ 1799 ] 2 Esp 732 , but in Wessex Dairies Ltd v Smith [ 1935 ] 2 KB 80 Maugham LJ cast doubt on both those judgments and so far as the modern law is concerned they should not be relied on to the extent that they indicate the employee can canvass or issue circulars to customers of his employer before he leaves .
2 My Working Group recommended that knowledge about language should be an integral part of work in English , not a separate body of knowledge to be added on to the traditional English curriculum .
3 Many of the returnees resisted , and had to be carried on to the aircraft by police amidst scuffles , but officials said that " minimum compulsion " had been used , in contrast to the violence which had marked the only previous forced repatriation attempt in December 1989 [ see p. 37121-22 ] .
4 An antechamber may be built on to the main egg-chamber .
5 However it ca n't just be bolted on to the tractor , and Mr Tomlinson had to spend further hours in the workshop matching it to the tractor 's backend and getting the gearing right .
6 Marr ( 1982 ) describes many processes that have yet to be mapped on to the nervous system .
7 ‘ It would lead inevitably to higher costs which would be transferred on to the customer as an increased cost of electricity , ’ he said .
8 The critical questions have to be turned on to the discipline and relevant examples furnished from within the discipline .
9 After a moment 's hesitation she sat in one of the large armchairs , half expecting to be pushed on to the settee , but he allowed her to sit alone , only raising an eyebrow as he lowered himself into the matching chair .
10 Campaigners are worried that infected milk could be sold on to the public and are also questioning whether there is a vicious circle in operation from sheep to cow to human .
11 It was also alleged for instance that women were too docile to make really good workers , too lacking in spirit and ambition : " Boys [ i.e. apprentices ] would claim to be shifted on to the higher branches of the trade " .
12 Tuna are sometimes landed when they try to swim through holes in fishing nets and get their teeth caught in the mesh ; once trapped in this way , they can be dragged on to the beach with the net .
13 No-one is suggesting that the forecast famine will be transformed into a flush but auctioneers anticipate prices being so strong they will be impossible to ignore and predict that reasonable numbers of finished steers and bulls will be pulled on to the market .
14 Their anxiety may be displaced on to the actual ceremony , making the responses correctly , being the centre of attention , or on to details of the reception or party to be held afterwards .
15 As they waited for the casket to be hoisted on to the boat , Nathan noticed a preacher on the other side of the quay .
16 In the same way , herbs were introduced in the sixteenth century from Europe to North America , to be grafted on to the use already in existence of the herbs of the North American Indians who had a considerable and long-standing tradition of herbal cures from the plants native to their own continent .
17 Lady Selvedge allowed herself to be led on to the platform and was introduced in a short speech by Mark , who found himself unable to think of very much to say about her , confused as he was by the talk of ‘ high principles ’ , cocktail parties , and her former husband 's misdeeds which he remembered having with Sophia and Penelope .
18 Any set of functions can be overplotted on to the reference set , or an error function may be generated and plotted directly .
19 However , these institutional norms do not tell anything like the whole story , and this is particularly true if we focus on spoken language in casual conversation and on phonetic and phonological variation : as we noticed in chapter 3 , the norms of a superordinate variety can not be projected on to the norms of a speech community without distorting our description .
20 That level of contact must certainly be maintained in future under the Commission , and I would expect the national coaches to be co-opted on to the Commission itself as non-voting members . ’
21 He even suggested that a few such representatives from outside the government might be co-opted on to the State Council , the supreme bureaucratic body beneath the Tsar .
22 In the autumn of 1904 he was still rejecting the mild suggestion from Sviatopolk-Mirsky , very much along the lines of Loris-Melikov 's proposals of 1881 , that representatives of public institutions should be co-opted on to the State Council .
23 Various intumescent materials are available which can be sprayed on to the iron , after suitable cleaning and priming , to five a fire-insulating coating .
24 On warm days the area between the lawn and water surface had constantly to be watched so that , immediately signs of shrinkage appeared , water could be sprayed on to the puddled surface .
25 Less ambitiously , simple networks can be chalked on to the playground .
26 A thick lagging jacket should be put on to the hot water tank .
27 The scallops would be put on to the seabed after about two years growth in special nets , and grown on for a further two years before harvesting .
28 Sections that have been saved to disk from other designs can also be imported on to the current grid , so a completely new pattern could be created simply by combining various sections from other designs .
29 If we are prepared to participate in a European bank for reconstruction and development to help countries in eastern Europe which are facing the same problems as Britain 's defence industry workers , could we not at least set up a defence diversification agency to help the tens of thousands of workers in the north-west and throughout the United Kingdom who will be thrown on to the scrap heap ?
30 Commitment to sport has to be freely given ; it has to be fun ; it can not be foisted on to the poor or the wayward from above because it is good for them .
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