Example sentences of "be [vb pp] for those [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 Industrial sponsorship is normally necessary for the fourth and fifth years , and can be arranged for those who do not already have sponsorship .
2 The language of the sources could be simplified for those who had difficulty reading the sources or they could be copied on to tape for listening .
3 The same can probably be claimed for those who for reasons which had little to do with humanitarian concern — fearing Jewish revenge in the event of a lost war , or blaming Hitler for bringing on the war through attacking the Jews , attitudes which of course themselves betrayed the influence of Nazi ‘ Jewish conspiracy ’ propaganda — were voicing criticism of Nazi anti Jewish policy .
4 Further , by wills and settlements , provision may be made for those who may come into existence at a future time , subject to the rule against perpetuities , which forbids any disposition which is not certain to take effect ( if it takes effect at all ) within lives in being and twenty-one years afterwards ; but a life in being includes a person en ventre sa mere at the time when the will or settlement takes effect .
5 Merciful provision must be made for those who failed to do so , but the failures must never be better off than the successes .
6 Politicians fueled rather than played down the belief that Britain should become , in the words of one politician , " a land fit for heroes " once " the war to end all wars " was won — in other words , that provision should be made for those who had fought for King and Country .
7 If the subject-matter is sequential , the teacher must ask himself whether it is essential that step A is known to have been mastered before the beginning of step B , and what is the essential minimum ; he will then go on to decide how the achievement of that minimum can be tested , what can be done for those who do not reach it , and whether the material is such that comprehension or insight might be expected to dawn at later stages after more exposure to the subject field .
8 The main problem was that if the new devolved NHS services were to replace the asylums ' treatment , then a structure of long-term support would be needed for those who , albeit now being able to live in the community rather than vegetate as long-term inpatients , still mostly required structured day care or home visiting or occupation .
9 But an option in it might be provided for those who were curious about what English poetry was like before , so to speak , it became English .
10 The pedant , persistent as ever , could insist that Pulex irritans is the proper term for a flea and it therefore ought to be provided for those who understand it .
11 He relates this to the state of culture of his own age , facing dangers of over-specialization , which impoverishes both the religious and artistic sensibilities by separating each from the other , so that only ‘ the vestige of manners may be left for those who , having their sensibility uninformed either by religion or by art , … have nothing left but an inherited behaviour which ceases to have meaning ’ .
12 Prizes will be awarded for those who raise the most money .
13 Section three point five is banking needs that er there was quite a lot of current by arrangements , but opt outs use erm , that 's an unfortunate word in terms of education and will be allowed for those who are wishing to have alternative arrangements .
14 Residential places will be kept for those who need them most .
15 There are many ways in which help can be obtained for those who are incontinent .
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