Example sentences of "be [vb pp] in the course " in BNC.

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1 Suspicions may also be aroused in the course of routine inspection or sampling : where is the waste going ?
2 ( Editorial note : some of the words and phrases used in this piece will be explained in the course of our historical series on feminism : eg. consciousness-raising , gay , Vietnam war , student politics , housewife . )
3 In addition consideration will need to be given in the course of project appraisal to the impact of VAT on supplies and services to which reference has already been made briefly in chapter 2 .
4 These national criteria have been designed in connection with the new General Certificate of Secondary Education and are intended to ‘ offer a concise account of the understanding , knowledge and competences which should be developed in the course of following the syllabus ’ .
5 The French , therefore , set about building galleys , their principal repair yard being the Clos des Galées at Rouen , which came to be developed in the course of the fourteenth century , and which saw its heyday during the successful wars waged by Charles V in the 1370s .
6 These will only be resolved in the course of an internal struggle , which will eventually produce governments neither more nor less enlightened than , for instance , those which have ruled over western Europe for the last five hundred years .
7 310 , 338 and subsequently in Tate Access Floors Inc. v. Boswell [ 1991 ] Ch. 512 , 532 that urgent consideration should be given by Parliament to extending the provisions of section 31(1) of the Theft Act 1968 to other offences which might be committed in the course of financial fraud .
8 More significantly , perhaps , it also means that no attempt may be made in the course of a prosecution to determine that in their investigations the authorities have committed one or more criminal offences .
9 The distinction between liege and simple homage had begun to be made in the course of the twelfth century .
10 Reference to this assignment will be made in the course of the dictation .
11 Reference to this assignment will be made in the course of the dictation .
12 Reference to this assignment will be made in the course of the dictation .
13 The trade description must be made in the course of a trade or business and be part of the advertisement so that genuine news items are excluded .
14 The addition of the individual awards which would be made in the course of the aju this judgement achieve the total figure of one million eight hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and fifty two pounds and twenty eight pence .
15 It seems to me that all of us in this chamber have at one time or another , wanted to actually spend money erm it comes programme of committees , I do n't think it 's behoved upon me at the moment to transgress on what programme committees are actually er but to predict exactly where they will want their expenditure to go but I do know is that there is a huge backlog of member generated aspirations in terms of the environmental improvements , traffic calming facilities , particulary which I suspect were actually generated mildly in excess of the figures which we have before us tonight which is why we clearly leave open that further bids against capital can be made in the course of the next three years , erm which will be assessed against the overall financial position of the council and I think the council much more than that .
16 Additionally , these marks must be " distinctive " ; that is , they are : adapted to distinguish goods with which the proprietor … is or may be connected in the course of trade from goods in the case of which no such connection subsists .
17 This exercise will be incorporated in the course next year and the teacher and librarian are preparing material for TVEI modules next year .
18 It was equally clear , however , that an amendment to abolish capital punishment would be moved in the course of the proceedings of [ sic ] the Bill in the House of Commons and that it would be strongly pressed by a substantial number of Government supporters .
19 Should such a test be used in the course of teaching , low scores would not enable the teacher to decide what tasks can reasonably be given to the pupils who obtain them nor to decide what experiences may be suitable to forward their development .
20 Born in the 1960s , the UN 's decade of development , these hopes had been reinforced by the success of OPEC in the 1970s , only to be buried in the course of the 1980s .
21 Now my Lord as is er then made clear in a statement of claim paragraph three fifteen erm between the twenty third of October and about the twenty second of November the plaintiff then acting upon the advice of Peter that it was not possible to withdraw on this contract , did endeavour to complete upon the deal as soon as possible , very much with the timing in his mind and eventually after some toing and froing which er will be demonstrated in the course of the evidence , agreement was reached with the landlord for his consent to the assignment to be given er on condition that there was payment of some advance rent by the plaintiff .
22 What I am putting before the House are serious considerations about the balance between the rights of individuals , which may be damaged in the course of a case but where the record can subsequently be put straight , the rights of those who are before the courts , accused , to deploy their defence , and the rights of the public at large to scrutinise that process .
23 Where a small hill or depression had to be crossed in the course of building a canal , a cutting or an embankment was often the engineering solution .
24 ‘ Small Agricultural Tractor ’ — unladen weight not more than 2550 kg may be driven in the course of agricultural operations on any road which is not a restricted road or on any road ( other than a Special Road ) while taking or going to and from a driving test .
25 Calculations based on the assumption that the fertility and mortality rates of 1933 would remain unchanged showed that the population of this country would be halved in the course of a century .
26 This is not purely a verbal argument since recently Alan Bond has shown how an equilibrium between deception and honesty might be struck in the course of evolution .
27 English law will permit quite severe injuries to be inflicted in the course of sport — a fractured skull in a playground incident was sanctioned on this basis .
28 In view of the questions put by the national court and of the written observations submitted by the parties , account will have to be taken in the course of that examination of the competence of the member states in this area , of their obligations under public international law ( question ( 1 ) in the Factortame case ( Case C 221/89 ) and of the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy and , in particular , of the quota system ( question ( 3 ) in the Factortame case ) .
29 Various themes will be covered in the course , such as Art of Iran , Royal Iconography in Medieval Islamic Art , Islam and Art , and Islamic Painting .
30 The seizure of the priories themselves was to be repeated in the course of the century on a much more extended scale and with immense consequences for royal patronage and ideas of lay proprietorship .
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