Example sentences of "be [vb pp] back in the " in BNC.

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1 Though the backgrounds of the successful ironmongers were varied , nearly all their families can be traced back in the neighbourhood to the sixteenth century , either through a direct line or through marriage .
2 Well they can be tipped back in the tin then ca n't they ?
3 The next psychological breakpoint is the 1,000dpi mark which was the point at which digital phototypesetting began to be accepted back in the late 60s and through the 70s .
4 Housing was the first of the public sector programmes to be tied back in the 1960s .
5 Despite the arrival of Pow and Currey ( who filled in for the absent Kolar ) , 'Mere continued to be driven back in the scrums .
6 The majority , the huge majority , were to be shipped back in the same closed trains to the Motherland of Russia .
7 I think the answer is to be found back in the basic theory .
8 Hand-reared birds can be put back in the nest once they can feed themselves , but if they 've become imprinted on a human , they may not respond properly to the other birds and the parents may reject them .
9 And later why parents should n't be allowed back in the classroom .
10 10 per cent ( i.e. £0.9 billion ) must be kept back in the Bank of England , but the remaining 90 per cent ( i.e. £8.1 billion ) can be lent out again .
11 When there is this kind of historical development of a signal system it is important that it should not be read back in the exclusive terms of later signals .
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