Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] what the " in BNC.

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1 Only where the person using the foul language makes it plain that he has no intention of resorting to violence , and there is no bystander who is likely to be provoked by what the defendant is doing , is no offence committed under this section .
2 But these descriptions should be confined to what the heroine sees after her adventure had begun , and in them you want to aim for reality without its customary tackiness .
3 That will eventually be superseded by what the company is positioning as an open , enterprise-wide repository embracing not only the Informix database , but its Hewlett-Packard Co-derived ToolBus Open CASE environment and 4GL products .
4 Once TOPIC and SEAQ screens had been introduced into a firm , the dealer could check what approximate price he ought to be getting , to be varied by what the firm took off or added to quote its price " net " of commission .
5 who can not be beguiled by what the world of desire can offer .
6 In contrast to a conventional revolutionary , Jesus must be seen as what the Gospels themselves acknowledge him to be — a claimant to the throne of David , a rightful king , whose sceptre , like David 's , implied both spiritual and temporal sovereignty .
7 Mr Major refused to be drawn on what the two men had agreed but the US is expected to announce soon that a special envoy rather than a ‘ peace ’ envoy will be sent to Ulster .
8 But there are other lessons to be drawn from what the war makes visible — in the image of a desert war bogged down in muddy trenches worthy of the Somme in the wettest Saudi winter in memory or in the prophetic footage of cormorants drowning in the worst oil disaster yet recorded .
9 The latter must give their departmental organisations purpose and direction but this must be rooted in what the authority as a whole is trying to do' ( 1988 , pp. 14 — 15 ) .
10 All that , of course , would be based on what the sceptics insist on calling the ‘ HIV hypothesis ’ : there is no other , and thus no choice .
11 One of the partners at the firm told me ‘ We try to persuade the software houses we represent over here that it is important to keep users using the latest version of the software , but our upgrade policy has to be dictated by what the vendor will agree to . ’
12 Customer research is important , too : the product or service must be geared to what the customer actually needs .
13 Furthermore , we have only the patient 's word for what he or she smoked ; such estimates are often wildly ‘ out ’ and can be affected by what the patient thinks the doctor wants to hear .
14 It may be inferred from what the judge said on a later occasion that counsel indicated that the Crown was prepared to accept a plea of guilty to manslaughter and the judge did not dissent from that course .
15 Whether the act was dangerous was to be judged by what the reasonable person would have appreciated .
16 Culture , which later became current with the rise of social anthropology , tended to be associated with what the Germans had believed they had fought for .
17 These behaviours will be contrasted with what the baby does in the presence of stationery objects which are just out of reach .
18 The permits could be traded for what the seller wanted — technology , energy-efficiency equipment , development programmes , and so on .
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