Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 This seems to be a rather narrow and limiting definition , and it could be refuted by pointing out that both subject knowledge and research methodology could equally well be tested by examination , without going to the additional effort of writing a thesis .
2 There are also adjustable tins which enlarge or reduce in size or , as in the case of a numerals tin , can be altered by moving around squares to create different numbers .
3 Finally , RACs should be asked to consider what the paper inelegantly described as ‘ resource availability and future coordination in respect of training for education management ’ , and consideration should be given to setting up a national advisory and consultative group .
4 It can only be halted by cutting back on demand , thereby raising the unemployment rate to NAIRU .
5 On Iceland , one might , if one were lucky , also find small quantities of andesitic and rhyolitic rocks being erupted but they are scarce , since they can only be formed by skimming off silica-rich material from a large volume of basaltic magma , in the same way as cream is skimmed off the top of milk .
6 We hope we will be forgiven for editing out of Dr Schore 's discussion of the background to LM 's but inclusion would have meant duplication since John Tomlinson 's Dose Dilution and the LM Potencies already covers the points he makes .
7 Now that you have a vague idea what is going on , you could be forgiven for throwing up your hands in disgust and letting them all get on with it .
8 Can not the sort of difficulty which the theist experiences in terms of describing God , for instance , as personal and impersonal , be justified by pointing out that attempting to think beyond the limits of thought is bound to entail stretching ordinary language beyond what it would normally bear ?
9 These characteristics lead to a generally well-controlled and efficient method of production , whose main disadvantage is the time-delay caused by the queueing effect of individual units waiting for the batch to be completed before moving on to the next operation .
10 Many straight edges can be joined by picking up the edges , right sides together , on to the needlebed .
11 Everyone had to wait their turn or be punished by filling in a long complicated questionnaire two hundred and sixteen times .
12 If the mains stopcock wo n't shut ( and there is no servicing valve ) , the water supply to the cistern can be stopped by tying up the ballvalve .
13 Slavering foxes will be stopped from trotting down 30 miles of tunnel by ten-foot fences , electric ‘ stun mats ' and being shot with humane killers .
14 Courtney must be stopped from carrying out more despicable crimes .
15 This can be checked by looking back through the arguments .
16 We saw that the combinatorial explosion of hypotheses produced by breadth-first search could be limited by cutting down the depth or the branching factor of the search space , and we described two general methods of doing this : —
17 Whatever happens , do not be pressured into filling in a form quickly .
18 Erikson suggests that at different phases of life an individual faces a particular psycho-social problem which needs to be resolved before moving on to the next phase .
19 [ 'Kinship defenders ' ] also feel that insufficient work is carried out by social workers on the rehabilitation of separated families , while at least some of the ‘ society-as-parent ’ school seem more aware of situations where rehabilitation is attempted inappropriately , and perhaps foisted on an unwilling parent , and feel that social workers should be discouraged from holding out unrealistic hopes of restoring the child .
20 Cooking can be solved by eating out , raiding the chill cabinets or phoning for a pizza .
21 It is this too which causes me personally to be deeply resentful of the practice so prevalent in the mass of fiscal and planning legislation of relegating provisions of real substance to Schedules which are sometimes cross-referenced between one another , so that construing the statute becomes a sort of verbal jigsaw puzzle that can only be solved by laying out numerous copies of the Act open at different pages or by the judicious use of more fingers than the number with which nature has been pleased to endow us .
22 The problem of sensing just where the actual zero pitch point is on the transmitter can be solved by setting up one of your pitch ranges so that simply pulling the collective stick hard back gives exactly zero pitch .
23 Jumpman lives is another excellent game from Apogee which gives you the arcade action of video games combined with the brain teasing problems to be solved before carrying on to the next stage .
24 It was eventually decided at the Council meeting that farmers should be approached about renting out a plot of land for a short time for the travellers whilst the search for a permanent site continued .
25 Under the new act these problems were to be addressed by setting up coordinating budget committees in the House and the Senate , drawing up a realistic timetable for dealing with the budget and establishing a Congressional Budget Office that would provide the staff and expertise necessary for dealing with the budget responsibly .
26 They can be installed by taking out one layer of bricks ( so you 'll have to cut through a wall — make sure it 's suitable ! ) ; or they can be installed in a corner , or in an alcove , with a surrounded flat fascia , in which case you 'll need to build a timber framework to support the niche and hold the fascia .
27 Not all child-beating amounts to deliberate cruelty ( although much which is pardoned has a suspicious streak in it ! ) and a parent may in some circumstances be excused for hitting out .
28 Posh Porky seemed to be torn between going along with her old man to the synagogue and staying put at the shop , where she 'd sit by the window and start scoffing cream buns the moment he was out of sight .
29 It may , however , be applied in paying up bonus shares ( s170(4) ) .
30 If a car has been left at the chapel , a more direct way to it may be made by turning down into the valley from Outrake Foot .
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