Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [verb] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 9.20 Limitation on liability Before leaving the provisos it may be worthwhile to include the following additional proviso : On an assignment of this Lease in pursuance of the Landlord 's licence authorising the assignment the Landlord shall forthwith at the assignor 's cost release the assignor from its future liability under this Lease in such form as the Landlord shall reasonably require Although this is unlikely to find favour with the landlord , it should perhaps be considered having regard to a recession and the outcry from tenants who , having assigned their leases , are being called upon to pay accumulating back rents as a result of the insolvency of the current tenant .
2 But it can also be held to mean no more than it creates a presumption that , if there is a conflict between community and domestic law , any ambiguity in that domestic law will be resolved to give effect to our community obligations .
3 It is , however , possible for the seller to be exempted from liability under sections 13 to 15 of the Sale of Goods Act , but only in so far as the seller can show that the exemption clause satisfies the requirement of reasonableness , i.e. that it was a ‘ fair and reasonable one to be included having regard to circumstances which were , or ought reasonably to have been , known to or in the contemplation of the parties when the contract was made ’ ( section 11 ) .
4 Section 11(1) applies the test of reasonableness to an exemption clause by asking whether it is a " fair and reasonable [ exemption clause ] to be included having regard to the circumstances which were , or ought reasonably to have been , known to or in the contemplation of the parties when the contract was made " .
5 Section 11(1) of the 1977 Act states : 11 – ( 1 ) In relation to a contract term , the requirement of reasonableness for the purposes of this Part of this Act , section 3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967 and section 3 of the Misrepresentation Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1967 is that the term shall have been a fair and reasonable one to be included having regard to the circumstances which were , or ought reasonably to have been , known to or in the contemplation of the parties when the contract was made .
6 It is a condition that , at the time of insurance becoming effective , the insured person has not booked his/her holiday contrary to medical advice nor is aware of any circumstances which could reasonably be expected to give rise to a claim .
7 Smoking and drug histories were taken although no patient was receiving any treatment that would be expected to give rise to DNA damage .
8 She walked behind the main counter to the flap that could be lifted to give access to the shop itself and , leaning on her forearms , looked down on to her weekly customers and asked , ‘ Well then , what is it to be ? ’
9 The court will be permitted to have regard to any matters it thinks fit including :
10 In early September the CIA informed current employees that they would be permitted to contribute money to a legal defence fund , set up the previous month by a group of retired CIA officers to help pay lawyers ' fees for beleaguered colleagues .
11 The elder child may be made to give way to the demands of the younger one in order to keep the peace .
12 Rules should be made permitting access to postal services on the same basis by all users meeting the same conditions .
13 When gastrulation is completed , the cells can be divided into a small number of classes according to their future fate : they may be ‘ ectodermal ’ ( destined to give rise to the outer layers of the skin , hair , the lens of the eye , and so on ) , ‘ endodermal ’ ( destined to give rise to the lining of the gut ) , ‘ mesodermal ’ ( destined to give rise to muscle , bone , blood-vessels , and many other structures ) , or , finally , they may be destined to give rise to the brain and nervous system .
14 If it carries a marker its descendants can be recognized , and they can be seen to give rise to all sorts of tissues , from muscle and bone , to liver and brain .
15 Grice calls such usages floutings or exploitations of the maxims , and they can be seen to give rise to many of the traditional " figures of speech " .
16 can be seen to have relevance to measures of output .
17 ‘ But when companies are laying off workers , they ca n't then be seen to donate money to charity .
18 Section 2(4) could therefore be said to give supremacy to community law .
19 Indeed the highest incidence of minority opinions was dissent by the chairman which could be said to lend weight to the second view , though a more probable explanation is that the lay members took a view on the merits which the chairman regarded as untenable in law .
20 Immigration officials would be empowered to refuse entry to foreign nationals deemed to be economic migrants , while processing of applications for political asylum would be speeded up .
21 One advantage of this amalgamation might be that there would be less potential for the jury to become confused , and yet the jury would still be empowered to reduce murder to manslaughter in appropriate cases .
22 Medical Practitioner — Medical treatment , consent to — Refusal of Caesarean section — Adult woman in obstructed labour — Lives of mother and unborn child at risk — Refusal of consent to Caesarean section on religious grounds — Whether declaration to be granted enabling operation to be performed
23 Initially , when a Charge Code is set up , it is the responsibility of the LIFESPAN Manager , but this option should be used to allocate responsibility to another user .
24 The waiting time can be used to say goodbye to different aspects of the life we had with the person who is dying .
25 One-half of this was to be sold by auction , and the profits above the official price of $ 42.2 an ounce were then to be used to promote aid to the less developed countries , whereas the other half was to be sold back to members at the prevailing official price .
26 In principle , the display of antibody fragments on the surface of recombinant retroviral particles could be used to target virus to cells for gene delivery , or to retain the virus in target tissues .
27 It was suggested that some form of social or governmental control could be used to ensure access to the media for all viewpoints .
28 The threat of this ex ante can then be used to ensure adherence to the agreement .
29 It can also specify the password to be used to obtain access to any packages and modules .
30 It can also specify the password to be used to obtain access to any packages and modules .
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