Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here your lines should be fine , light and crisp and areas of colour must be blended carefully for a smooth result .
2 No fast should be undertaken against an opponent ; it should be undertaken rather for the good of those near and dear to the person who fasts .
3 A ‘ money bill ’ , one dealing essentially with financial matters , can be delayed only for a month .
4 However , it has the disadvantage that it is not general , but has to be calculated separately for every n and N.
5 ‘ Yes , on Tuesday I believe , we shall all be gathered here for an evening together . ’
6 But in the case of minor offences , and especially statutory offences , which are anti-social rather than immoral , a man may be punished even for the unauthorized act or default of one in his employment .
7 ‘ The defence does not arise on a plea of autrefois convict , but on the well-established rule at common law , that where a person has been convicted and punished for an offence by a court of competent jurisdiction , transit in rem judicatam , that is , the conviction shall be a bar to all further proceedings for the same offence , and he shall not be punished again for the same matter ; otherwise there might be two different punishments for the same offence .
8 Below : The hard centres of such flowers as hellebores should be pressed separately for the best results .
9 Transfers can still be arranged however for an additional charge .
10 He did n't want to go to Switzerland : if he did go , the chances were that he would be interned there for the rest of the war .
11 Colours can of course be mixed together for an infinite variety of results .
12 Thus no meaningful figures can be reported here for the major language groupings ( English , French , German ) .
13 Martin Martin notes that on a small rocky island to the south of Skye there is ‘ a great quantity of scurvey-grass , of an extraordinary size , and very thick ; the natives eat it frequently , as well boiled as raw : two of them told me that they happened to be confined there for the space of thirty hours , by a contrary wind ; and being without victuals , fell to eating this scurvey-grass , and finding it of a sweet taste , far different from the land scurvey-grass , they ate a large basketful of it , which did abundantly satisfy their appetites until their return home ’ .
14 He added : ‘ Although parents can not be blamed totally for the way children end up , we are able to shape their behaviour and offer them moral guidance .
15 This means that an extra search will be added only for every additional ( 2n + 1 ) or ( 3n + 1 ) records , where n is the number of records per track .
16 We believe that St Albans er has a traffic problem facing it in recent years , two or three year 's ago at the height of activity er the problems facing it were were more obvious and along with that situation er there 's no question about that and one might be forgetting to thinking the problem and not the way it has n't , it will return now , we know it will be return and therefore we should be firm in our resolve and at some point in time in the future that problem must be addressed sensibly for the good of the people of St Albans .
17 In general , however , the Single Market seems to be designed more for the producer .
18 Obviously , I understand that this course is to be built mainly for the benefit of the people who 'll buy the new houses , but it seems a pity that natural unspoilt countryside should be bulldozed to make way for what 's really just a few rich people 's pastime . ’
19 Full allowance must be made also for the costs of the liquidation ( to be distinguished from the costs of realising the assets ) .
20 If a decision has been taken to sell or terminate an operation and the reporting entity is demonstrably committed to the sale or termination , then provisions should be made only for the direct costs of the sale or termination and any operating losses of the operation up to the date of sale or termination ; provisions for future operating losses may not be made in other circumstances .
21 With the onset of Big Bang , deregulation , and the formation of financial conglomerates , the problems posed by conflicts of interest have become accentuated : there is now an increased opportunity for information located within one ‘ arm ’ of a conglomerate to be misused either for the direct benefit of the conglomerate or for favoured customers .
22 A vindictive hatred of Kit Nubbles for saying that he was ‘ an uglier dwarf than could be seen anywhere for a penny ’ causes Quilp to set on Sampson Brass and his sister falsely to incriminate the boy .
23 It may be done partly for the love of the work , but every author is also concerned to establish a reputation for good work among those whose opinion matters .
24 Just as zooming should be done only for a good reason , panning is also a camera move which should be used sparingly if it is not to become visually irritating .
25 The trove will be exhibited together for the first time at the Pierpont Morgan Library ( 9 December-4 April1993 ) , accompanied by an illustrated catalogue by William Voelkle and Roger Wieck , curator and associate curator , respectively , of the Morgan 's Department of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts .
26 For example a bilingual fieldworker acceptable to an Asian community in Britain would probably need to be selected carefully for a range of characteristics such as religion , geographical provenance , or political affiliation , all of which are associated with a distinctive ethnicity .
27 Besides the semi-literate glossies , and the best-selling ‘ page-turners ’ that have to be moved aside for the next over-hyped wave , books appear for sale that are of a quite different kind .
28 The basic requirements for the grant of a patent are stated in section 1(1) of the Patents Act 1977 as follows : A patent may be granted only for an invention in respect of which the following conditions are satisfied , that is to say — a ) the invention is new ; b ) it involves an inventive step ; c ) it is capable of industrial application ; d ) the grant of a patent for it is not excluded by subsections ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) below …
29 Abdominal symptoms in someone with diabetes may become urgent — advice should always be sought sooner for a person with diabetes .
30 Lenders will want to be compensated more for the risk of default .
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