Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Either way , ’ he added more earnestly , ‘ they 'll undoubtedly be tucked away in some suitably black and hidden corner . ’
2 In this relaxed , sun-dappled atmosphere of banyan trees , velvet sand and wide horizons , the Maldives seem like a lost corner of the globe , waiting to be stumbled across by some shipwrecked mariner .
3 We were all absolutely fagged out , and promptly dropped off to sleep at 4 a.m. , only to be caught later by some children who betrayed us to the patrols .
4 The remainder of this book is devoted to putting forward further theoretical considerations and to suggesting ways in which analysis can be carried forward about some of these opportunities and effects of new technology at work .
5 In spite of this , there is plenty of scope for what is sought to be greatly reduced ; it is also possible for the permission to be limited in time , in other words for the development , building and/or use to be permitted only until some date in the future .
6 Leith has been the scene of many interesting events and developments over the years and proof of this can still be seen today in some of the old buildings and narrow streets , and to a lesser extent , in the docks .
7 This feature derived from Cézanne 's work can be seen also in some of Braque 's l'Estaque landscapes .
8 Often the whole length of the radial shields is visible and they may be bowed upwards in some specimens .
9 Alternatively , money must be in a form that enables it to be transferred indirectly through some acceptable mechanism .
10 Nor was it easy to be thrust together with some grandmothers .
11 He does not expect the effects of the Budget to be felt locally for some time .
12 In these circumstances , it is crucial for the reader twenty-five years later , faced with these sixteen documents , to be able to apply principles of evaluation ; but these principles should not be drawn extraneously from some private viewpoint or ideology , but instead drawn intrinsically from the Council 's own experience and the immediate aftermath of implementation .
13 Participation and prototyping could be used independently in some applications and in others it may be appropriate to use the conventional approach modified by incorporating these tools and techniques .
14 If only we could be transported instantly to some Eastern couch , in some dream , out of time …
15 The size of the new electorate meant that the voters could be reached only through some well-developed organization , and the result was to be the growth of organized and mass-membership political parties .
16 They have to be inferred usually from some form of verbal behaviour , such as responses to attitude scales , or to questionnaire items .
17 She would not allow herself to be pulled inexorably towards some unknown destiny that he had in mind .
18 That they have lent their party a distinct moral glow as a result may be greeted cynically by some .
19 Even if John Birt is forced to resign , he will be remembered fondly in some quarters for his role in killing off this golden turkey .
20 A great adventure , a fitting enterprise for one who had known herself from infancy to be set apart for some rare destiny , and one that she had thought herself to have pursued courageously , successfully , with a redeeming love that had rescued even the anguished , complex , hostile Aaron , and had saved him from his wilder flights .
21 The greatest ocean depths are achieved in oceanic trenches which are to be found both along some continental margins , notably western South America ( Fig. 2.6 ) , and in association with island arcs which are usually located close to the edges of continents .
22 The track can be followed easily for some miles before returning .
23 This can be observed particularly for some of the small fragments which give a very weak signal suggesting they contain very few repeats .
24 Both these aspects will be discussed later in some depth .
25 We are , therefore , anxious that he should not be thrown away in some other role and I hope that any plan he has made will be carefully examined so as to ensure that as far as possible he does not do something foolhardy .
26 In this context , in a more general sense , a return to a more convergent exchange rate policy within Europe , providing as it does a background of stability to encourage exporters , would be welcomed again at some stage in the future .
27 Finally , although covered in more detail in the next chapter , a brief word needs to be inserted here about some psychiatric terminology that will be encountered in what follows .
28 Filters are to be fitted shortly to some waste incinerators in Italy .
29 The significance of many particular facts or operations could be perceived only with some background knowledge , which the uninitiated would have little wish or reason to acquire .
30 Even in the late nineteenth century opium could be purchased readily in some pharmacies in England .
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