Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 And , in all probability , their imaginations will , as they say , boggle because , as you have never seen that scene in your mind 's eye , it may well be riddled with improbabilities if it is not a downright impossibility .
2 It was announced on Jan. 18 , 1990 , that the Iowa , together with its sister ship the New Jersey , was to be withdrawn from service after repairs had been completed [ see also p. 37178 ] .
3 Her last visit ends a 17-year relationship with the town and celebrations will be tinged with sadness when she weighs anchor and sails off .
4 Mercedes SL can be provoked into oversteer if you cut the power in a bend ( above — but , with ASR traction control as fitted to test car , all that 's really on offer is artificially strong understeer ( right ) .
5 The shape , style and content of these items can be altered at will as can their position but without ever reaching for scissors or glue .
6 As bass notes were reproduced very weakly , the bass line was often attributed to the tuba , which had more higher-frequency harmonics ; these could be recognized on playback as constituting a ‘ bass line ’ .
7 Although some of these community norms that we have mentioned above may be recognized by outsiders as regional or social markers , many others are better described as internal : they mark social differences inside the community .
8 Given its origins , the NUR saw itself as an industrial union ; originally it organized most groups of BR workers , and it continues to be recognized by BR as representing all grades of staff other than management .
9 The work of Spear ( 1984 ) and Bradley ( 1984 ) are examples of work which suggest — though do not prove — that markers may be biased against girls when marking their work .
10 The use of index numbers and special ratios should always be undertaken with care since they may contain hidden dangers if one does not know how they are compiled and , very often , how they are ‘ corrected ’ for a variety of reasons .
11 As we have seen , for some Foucault can apparently be dismissed with ease as merely the philosopher of discontinuity , a description which is hardly adequate ; for others , criticism takes the form that he simply relativizes history , but this is really no better , for history is itself a mode of demonstrating the relativity , temporariness , and temporality of phenomena .
12 Briefly , you may be dismissed for redundancy when one of the following events occurs or is expected to occur :
13 Leaders of the Church of England have also attacked the ‘ hardness ’ of the government , only to be dismissed in return as ‘ cuckoos ’ ( see below , p. 289 ) .
14 David Bowen , secretary of the Northern Ireland FA , said earlier in the day that the matter would be referred to FIFA if Sunderland failed to relent .
15 Sir Robin has prepared several drafts of the Queen 's Speech , which will be given to ministers once a Government is formed .
16 The Church should now recognise the priority which needs to be given to music if the impoverishment of services is not going to continue .
17 Children — Care proceedings — Threshold conditions — Child in voluntary care placed with foster parents — Child previously at risk with mother — Local authority seeking care order — Whether condition that child ‘ is suffering ’ significant harm satisfied — Whether harm attributable to care given or likely to be given to child if order not made — Children Act 1989 ( c. 41 ) , s. 31(2)
18 In the final year of training , investigative projects can be given to learners as intermodular work , and the presentation of such projects can form part of their modular assessment .
19 How can my hon. Friend argue that compensation should be given to haemophiliacs because , sadly , they suffered a congenital disease and that a sick person who required a blood transfusion was in a different category ?
20 Full details of this scheme will be given to fans when they book their places for the trip .
21 ‘ We very much hope that after the meeting with trading standards officials advice can be given to booksellers as to what wording would now be appropriate for any disclaimer notice for future sales , ’ says BML m.d .
22 No prior warning can be given to travellers as it is obvious that the public address system has been infiltrated and now issues an even worse form of gobbledygook than hitherto .
23 When it was reported that a considerable number of young children in the house were not eating their breakfast , which consisted of porridge and bread , he recommended that , for children under sixteen , the same diet should be given for breakfast as for supper .
24 It is far better and essentially less embarrassing for such education to be given at school than within the family , even if it could be certain that parents would give it or that their children would listen .
25 The real issue , and one where there clearly is disagreement among historians , is how far support will be given between kin when the element of mutuality is absent .
26 Instruction was more likely to be given in units where there was also a high level of ‘ publicity ’ generating activity .
27 In chambers , evidence in any proceedings may be given by affidavit unless otherwise provided or ordered , but the court may order the deponent to attend for cross-examination ( Ord 20 , r 5 ) .
28 This is because kinship links are strongly morally and socially charged , while those between worker and employer are impersonal , because kinship implies reciprocal rights and duties while the capitalist has all the rights and the worker all the duties , because kinship links can not be broken at will while those of the labour market can , and because , as Marx and Engels wrongly believed , kinship links are egalitarian and non-exploitative ; that is , they do not involve one group of people living on the back of another .
29 For instance it might be suggested that action sample clients were less likely to be admitted straight away to long-term institutional care than control sample clients , for service-providers might have felt that with the Home Support Project such clients could be sustained at home whereas in its absence in the control areas they were not sustainable .
30 For example , fire risk clients could be sustained at home if they had 24-hour-a-day surveillance .
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