Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is tempting to suggest that the public conception came from memory and the private metaphors from their inner worlds of inner objects , but to draw such a fine distinction would be to go beyond the evidence I have .
2 To see profit as the prime motivation to LMS would be to detract from the sense of involvement and success that support staff may potentially receive from its effective management .
3 In 1920 , considering ‘ the impotence of contemporary drama ’ , he had concluded that ‘ The natural evolution , for us , would be to proceed in the direction indicated by Browning ; to distil the dramatic essences , if we can , and infuse them into some other liquor . ’
4 The greater the return to shareholders the more attractive it will be to invest in the company and hence the higher the valuation of the company in the view of the Stock Exchange .
5 The aim of a programme to expand primary care would be to provide in the community services currently provided in hospitals where this is appropriate and cost effective .
6 A primary role of the party in the new disposition , he said , would be to work against the threat of social polarization inherent in restructuring and the move towards a market economy .
7 To think otherwise would be to succumb to the glamour and particularity with which seniority was invested by the boys themselves ; the critical fact was that , in the fullness of time , little boys who were beaten by big ones might reasonably expect to do the beating themselves .
8 Novices often like to hold the rope above them as a handrail , but in a slip their instinctive reaction will be to pull on the rope , giving a dangerous jerk on the leader .
9 In the end , I judged the best option to be to talk in the privacy of his room , thus giving him the opportunity to ponder his new situation in solitude once I took my leave .
10 A better approach seems to be to look for the research with prospects of being revolutionary , that is of establishing a new framework , or deriving new bandwagons .
11 An even more revealing way to consider the changes in the popularity of divorce would be to look at the proportion of each marriage cohort that divorces after a particular period of time .
12 The aim of this book , then , will be to look at the relationship between the ‘ culture ’ of subjects and our common-sense constructions of masculinity and femininity ; and the implications of this relationship for gender inequality in higher education .
13 Abstracting from these difficult matters , an attractive approach to inequality would be to look at the lifetime purchasing power broadly defined over goods and services enjoyed by individuals , appropriately discounted to give a common basis for comparison .
14 Another method would be to look at the Automobile Association 's figures on the cost of running a motor car of that engine capacity or at the cost of hiring such a car .
15 Some companies ( particularly in the USA ) , in response to these and other factors , decided in the late 70s and early 80s that they should designate within their organisations a person or persons whose job would be to specialise in the acquisition and processing of information from the environment that might be of potential strategic importance .
16 In practice this will place a considerable burden on the solicitor and it is likely that his first step in such circumstances will be to apply to the court for the appointment of a guardian .
17 In that case , one way of inflicting a loss of profit in retaliation for reneging on the agreement would be to revert to the NE of the one-shot game , either permanently or for a number of periods sufficient to wipe out the gains from reneging , if that is possible .
18 Far more effective , he considered ( and there was no anti-Semitism involved , though inevitably most of the recent refugees were Jews ) , would be to put on the air people who , while speaking intelligible German , would be identified as representative British people .
19 And since the effect would be to put off the catastrophe indefinitely , since Capitalism could now continue by reason of policies which provided also a solution to the problem of unemployment , Empirical Socialism need no longer distinguish itself from the Marxist version solely by the method and pace of change , by being evolutionary rather than revolutionary .
20 For much of the Bloc , then , the solution may be to opt for the devil they know .
21 erm , the thing about it is is that I mean , one of we we 've at the minute we 've been faced with with some individuals reckoning that they have er rashes forming around the face er in a number of areas and there 's an indication that , and it 's nothing more than that , that it could actually be to do with the laser printers and people sitting near them in the light .
22 It must be to do with the power of the Worm .
23 It may be a boundary drawn for the toddler 's safety ( ‘ You are not to go out of the front gate ’ ) ; it may be to do with the teenager 's wellbeing ( ‘ You do an hour 's homework ’ or ‘ You have to tell me who you 're out with and where you 'll be ’ ) .
24 The differences seem to be to do with the fact that local ‘ product champions ’ are often required to stimulate the infusion of new practices .
25 If that 's what winter was like , I do n't know what there will be to do in the summer . ’
26 The having adoption of a strategic exceptions policy is an invitation for many possible major developments to be to ride on the back of the strategic in exceptions policies and to argue that they come within in .
27 Phase two will be to build on the group 's strong brand names Union Locks , Lips Safes , and Pyrene fire detection all of which are well known .
28 For while they indicate how complicated and taxing it would be to build inside the scaffolding erected by Althusser , they do not show either that the building would stand or that it is doomed to collapse .
29 I do not wish to exclude him from such private and individual arenas , for to do so would be to fly in the face of Christian tradition from the fathers to C. S. Lewis and Cardinal Suenens ( 1982 ) in our own time .
30 Our European priorities now should be to campaign for the sort of policies and changes we would like to see in nineteen ninety six and seek the earliest possible opt-in to the Social Chapter .
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