Example sentences of "be [to-vb] that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The role of the LEA in monitoring and evaluation should be to see that the work is done within schools and to provide support and expert advice .
2 To travel to Cologne might well be to find that the battlefront between Germany and the western Allies had already been established just beyond the city .
3 A reasonable starting point may be to assume that the process will vary for individuals and for different types of text .
4 However , this example serves to emphasize how misleading it can be to assume that the breeding sex ratio necessarily reflects the extent to which male reproductive success varies for , even among closely related species , it is likely to be the case that males have substantially longer breeding lifespans in monogamous species than in polygynous ones ( see Wiley , 1974 ; Clutton-Brock et al . ,
5 One option would be to deny that the events in question do represent audit failures and to roundly condemn those who criticise the profession for the alleged lapses .
6 I do believe that one of the best ways we 're going to benefit from the new circumstances I hope of economic stability of low inflation and low taxation , will be to ensure that the provision of capital is made by the principle institutions , namely the banks and the investing institutions .
7 As the Council for Science and Technology ( CST ) , one of its aims will be to ensure that the Government draws on outside advice when deciding its research spending .
8 that does n't answer my question , who 's business would it be to ensure that the brochures were withdrawn ?
9 The challenge for secondary schools in particular will be to ensure that the system reflects the learning , and does not dictate it .
10 The purpose of this review will be to ensure that the staffing levels and working arrangements are those needed to enable employees to deliver the service in a safe manner .
11 ‘ Our concern must be to ensure that the Northern Ireland consumer has strong protection in this greater European market , including clear guidelines about systems of redress . ’
12 sector , a different sector , we 're only relying on it by analogy they talk about the position of requiring the applicant by guarantee such as the deposit of money or other security , and my Lord our submission is , is very simple , er that , er the , the measure that are seeking to recover under are linked into solvency and the payment of policy holders , there 's a community interest there in the directive , but if , er for any reason your Lordship feels there 's a , a matter that needs to go on and further to , to , to a lengthy trial , that in the interim what would be compatible with the community object would be to ensure that the monies are recovered into settlement fund er so that the solvency and payment policy holders can continue
13 Nevertheless , the aim of the draftsman must always be to ensure that the lease as executed represents the full intention of the parties .
14 The first approach for the social worker should be to recognise that the discussions with the client and the family network are beginning to point to residential care as a positive possible option .
15 How easy it would be to confess that the baby had survived ; that he had , according to Sir Philip Debrace , grown into a strong , good-looking boy .
16 The Court of Appeal held that the supplying was insufficient as an unlawful act because it was not ‘ directed at ’ V. Subsequent decisions are unclear whether the ‘ directed at ’ test remains good law , and a better approach to the facts of Dalby would be to hold that the supplying of drugs did not cause the death because V took them himself .
17 These caring visits could be by neighbours , friends or relatives , whose visits could be to check that the sufferer was all right , to give emotional support , or to provide help with personal or household tasks .
18 Another way of stating this point would be to say that the revival and growth of social movements in those societies which are both economically advanced and have a fairly long tradition of democracy , is a major aspect of that ‘ self-production ’ of society referred to earlier , which exists in some degree already , but is still more an ideal representation of a future form of society , ‘ free of domination ’ , in which the collectivity would really govern itself , by procedures of rational discussion among equal citizens .
19 The obvious response to this question would be to say that the school should do all that it reasonably can .
20 A second argument which Gordon might use would be to say that the content of the bracket constituting the term furnished tenancy or employee or assault should , itself , be for the relative opinion of the tribunal .
21 It makes no more sense to say that the perspectival appearance is true ( or false ) of the object than it would be to say that the size of the angle of a triangle is true ( or false ) of the other two angles , which determine its size .
22 If I were to be critical it would be to say that the scratchplates could be finished off more tidily , and occasionally the necks and bodies do n't look entirely new — although that 's hardly surprising , really .
23 One would be to say that the predicating of names like ‘ white ’ does not involve classification ( taking classification to be the performing of tests indicated by the definition of the general name ) .
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