Example sentences of "not [adv] [vb infin] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 A political gamble was taken too : that if hostages were released , Americans would not greatly mind what the price or the means had been .
2 The result of all this is that because of the divergence of Belfast English from other varieties and the internal divergence within it , we do not know beforehand what is the correct lexical input to any phonological variable , we do not necessarily know what the variants of the variable are , and we may not be at all certain about what precisely might count as a variable .
3 Surely those politicians , members of royalty , athletes or anyone who wishes to make a clarifying statement should have sufficient intelligence to appreciate that the media-kings of speculation can not only guess what the content of the future announcement will be , but can make it so much more interesting by speculating on the response , plus the reaction to the response by the person who probably intended to say the opposite to what the ‘ experts ’ had been speculating would be said for the past 48 hours .
4 Home-made wills do not always mean what the writer thinks they do .
5 Although the naming process is basic to clustering , I shall not always say what the names are .
6 Such teaching , mercifully , does not accurately reflect what the Israelites achieved , or were able to achieve , in the conquest of the Land .
7 It does not really matter what the answer is .
8 It was suggested that the extension of the period to three years from one required the attribution of a different meaning because the Theophile construction meant that it did not really matter what the period was ; as long as there was a debt , a bankruptcy petition could be presented .
9 This is possible as it is obvious in Mark 's Gospel especially that the disciples did not really understand what the Messiahship of Jesus meant .
10 In fact , of course , we can not even measure what the initial state was , because to do so we would have to take the brain apart .
11 Many inexperienced pilots do not even consider what the situation is going to be and only think about what is happening at that moment .
12 Still , I have no intention of prescribing a correct attitude towards difference , even less a correct theory of difference ; I do not even know what the latter could possibly be .
13 ( Note that where the errors do not immediately show what the correct word is , it 's best to write a reminder of the word beside it .
14 This was important because many of the staff did not fully understand what the role entailed .
15 Although Nourse LJ does not categorically state what the law is in this situation , his decision indicates and points towards the view that the defendants may be able to escape the restrictions of the sale agreement where it would be inequitable to allow the plaintiff to rely on the strict wording .
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