Example sentences of "not [adv] [vb pp] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , the techniques , although not widely developed to date , may culminate in the creation of more productive plant and animal crops that could help alleviate food scarcity problems in developing countries by increasing the viability of traditionally based agroecosystems , thus obviating the need for the cultivation of new lands .
2 The differing styles of these articles mean they are not all suited to publication in similar outlets , but it is hoped that unlike past years ' winners we shall see all of them published in some form or other in the coming year .
3 The pattern of adhesion ( diffuse or localised ) was not obviously related to hydrophobicity , although only nine localised isolates were tested .
4 Research has also shown that level of stress is not necessarily related to willingness to continue caring ( Gilleard , 1984 ) .
5 However , copying is not necessarily limited to duplication of substantial parts and it is possible to copy a computer program in a wider sense .
6 However , if you hate exercise , be assured that the whole enterprise is not necessarily doomed to failure .
7 Are we not perhaps condemned to periodical or non-periodical ‘ crises ’ on an inverted basis , on a different correlation between production and consumption ?
8 This lack of discrimination suggests that the general knowledge required is not highly related to attainment in mathematics .
9 These three principles are not only suited to adult learners but they have been readily adopted in the primary school , and the following are suggestions for practising cognitive principles in the classroom with younger children : ( a ) Give experience of the language they are learning — teach them rhymes , tell them stories , talk to them .
10 I had not only come to faith .
11 His wit not only aimed to amuse but also to reform .
12 It appears to broaden the categories of non-consent so that , for example , fraud is not merely confined to fraud as to the nature of the act or husband impersonation , as it is at English common law .
13 It was unlikely that anything he might discover had not already come to light .
14 The argument of counsel to the contrary effect and , indeed , some of the judgments — e.g. the reference by Pollock C.B. , at p. 91 , to the plaintiff as a ‘ quasi-corporation ’ — seem to reflect a confusion of thought about identifying the company with its members that was not finally laid to rest until the decision of the House of Lords in Salomon v. Salomon and Co .
15 Indeed Franco-Russian disputes on this issue flared up briefly once more in the 1760s and were not finally laid to rest until 1772 .
16 Weeping trees are often associated with water , but from the foregoing one can appreciate that they are not generally suited to poolside planting .
17 For many people , some sexual failure , temporary or otherwise , is made worse by the immense current cultural emphasis on passionate sex being the ‘ be all and end all ’ , with the implication of failure if they are not easily roused to orgasm regardless of what else is going on in their lives .
18 Even so , that mixture of emotion and social need , of personal pride and territorial inspiration , which we call honour , is not easily brought to life for young readers .
19 Although the oesophagus is not directly exposed to tobacco smoke , its constituents condense in the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx and are swallowed .
20 And so we have a dimension of politics in international politics and within the state which is related to securing objectives which are not directly connected to security using the means of violence .
21 Many other factors not directly related to cold have been involved .
22 Although the other social characteristics available are not directly related to wealth , they are amenable to ranking in a general social and economic sense .
23 All these patients had bulky gastric tumours extending to nearby or distant organs and death was due to progressive and uncontrolable disease and was not directly related to surgery .
24 Delegates expressed the hope that the environmental damage caused during the Gulf War — in particular Iraq 's release of oil slicks and the firing of Kuwaiti oil wells and the UN coalition 's bombing of nuclear , chemical and biological warfare facilities — would focus governments ' attention on the need to deal with the environmental dimension of modern warfare and to outlaw environmentally damaging actions not directly related to war arms .
25 Much of the discussion at the meeting was about issues not directly related to cycling , such as the wearing of rear seat belts .
26 Since weak left handers were observed to have sinistral relatives more frequently than strong left handers , Hécaen and Sauguet inferred that " the intensity of left handedness is not directly related to bilaterality of language representation or to familial left handedness .
27 Of the two free-standing colleges , Bishop Grosseteste is endeavouring to diversify by offering courses of general education not directly related to teacher training , while Matlock has remained essentially a monotechnic institution , offering initial and in-service teacher-training courses .
28 Republican Senator John C. Danforth , the self-appointed mediator between the two sides , expressed his dismay over Bush 's opposition to a provision of Danforth 's proposed compromise bill which would prohibit employers from adopting employment standards which were not directly related to job performance .
29 First of all , the service operates strict rules concerning recruitment which are not always suited to radio .
30 Step 3 Eliminate from your list any item that is not strictly related to job performance .
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