Example sentences of "not [adv] [prep] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This distinguished between benefices which involved the cure of souls and those which did not ( which were , in the Latin term , sinecures ) , although these last were not necessarily without responsibilities and duties .
2 The list is composed of a variety of types of problem including those traditionally accepted as legal by both lawyer and client , those regarded as legal by lawyers but not necessarily by clients and those not normally viewed by either as legal .
3 They were asked to monitor their progress not only with scales but with a tape measure .
4 The shootings brought to a climax the long-standing complaints by opposition groups in Serbia that the Milosevic government had embarked on a course of confrontation not only with non-communists but also , more ominously , with other ethnic groups in Yugoslavia .
5 It may not be an easy judgment to make but it is a scientific one that rests not only with researchers but with all those responsible for providing preventive and therapeutic services .
6 But the effect of the policy , as the American Bar Association pointed out in a recent report , is that the country 's prisons are filled not only with drug-handlers but also with drug-takers , and can not cope with the numbers .
7 My various crops have competed not only with weeds but also with each other , a major factor in the profit and loss account for the plot .
8 It will deal not only with stars but also with middling and minor singers and with members of the chorus ; not only with Italians but with those non-Italian singers who specialised in Italian opera .
9 In support of this notion , researchers like Elizabeth Aries and Jennifer Coates point out that women use support features like minimal responses not only with men but among themselves , in all-women conversation where gender hierarchy is not a factor .
10 Yet it was clear by 1962 that the Corporation was lagging badly behind , not only with ratings but with styles of dramatic presentation .
11 Actual speed will vary not only with altitudes but also with local terrain .
12 It will deal not only with stars but also with middling and minor singers and with members of the chorus ; not only with Italians but with those non-Italian singers who specialised in Italian opera .
13 A student 's bed becomes their territory , covered not only with quilts but books and papers .
14 For older people to have the opportunity to participate not only on juries but in other civic activities after they retire , the major proposals must be :
15 I believe that leaning , like look-out , is a basic technique which we should apply not only above 5,000 feet , not only on Tuesdays but every time we fly .
16 But in conclusion I should like to emphasise that Christianity places emphasis not only on structures but also on personal obedience .
17 The money is being spent not only on books but also on a considerable number of photographs for the political iconography archive .
18 This could lead to better treatments not only for cancers and corneal ulcers , but for many other things , such as some skin disorders and types of arthritis .
19 As part of the policy of accountability and choice , local education authorities and school governors have a duty to provide information not only for parents but also for prospective parents and the public generally .
20 The game is not only for players but also for the audience , especially team supporters .
21 There must , Mr Schofield firmly believes , be greater opportunity at major championship level , not only for Europeans but also for players from other countries .
22 The heavens were studied not only for omens but also for the sake of the calendar .
23 Can my right hon. Friend improve the refreshments provided not only for visitors but for Opposition Members , who seem rather subdued and depressed today ?
24 And that should be good not only for researchers but also for research and those who rely on it to help in improving the education they give , and receive .
25 It was also to incorporate the sabra or prickly pear , the cactus which is a symbol of Israel , to provide hope for the future not only for Jews but also for all the persecuted people of the world .
26 The Japanese will be offered greater access to Europe , on condition that they open their domestic markets — not only for cars but for a whole range of industrial and service sectors — to European businessmen .
27 And his Panopticon design was intended as a model not only for prisons but as suitable for any establishment in which a number of people had to be supervised : establishments , he suggested , such as " … workhouses , manufactories , or mad-houses , or hospitals , or schools " ( Works , IV p 70 ) .
28 Tax evasion is a similar problem in interpreting the sixteenth-century subsidy rolls , while any deductions based on the military survey , a crude census of males over the age of sixteen , must allow not only for children but also for the balance between men and women in the population as a whole .
29 For Gavarnie is the old headquarters of mountaineering in the Pyrenees , a centre not only for excursionists but for the hard men , aiming for dangerous ascents of the rocks .
30 Money donated by parents is already paying not only for extras and luxuries but also for such basic tools of education as books , art materials and computers .
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