Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 A default judgment must , however , not be recognised if the defendant was not duly served with the document which instituted the proceedings or with an equivalent document in sufficient time to enable him to arrange for his defence .
2 You ask how they know and they give you a vague description about the pelvis , etc. etc. , and you go away not altogether satisfied with the explanations .
3 I believe that the House should insist er that the not only should th should be a majority o of local of of of local authority members , but these so-called independent members are really quite superfluous to requirements they are p they are creating another kind of semi-quango , they are concentrating more power into the hands of the Home Secretary and for that reason , although I do not wholly agree with the amendments that have been put down , I shall certainly vote for them all .
4 Although I do not wholeheartedly agree with the view the author takes of the mechanical world of the train being somehow better than that of nature , I can still find it interesting and thought inducing from a philosophical angle .
5 Other issues were that the potential of the day hospital was not being fully exploited and that the mental health centres were evidently not properly integrated with the general hospital unit .
6 You may feel depressed when your work is returned to you , feel a failure , but magazine editors reject work for lots of different reasons not all connected with the quality of the work .
7 Already , too , one may see the start of a symbiotic relationship in which France would increasingly depend upon American resources to achieve purposes which , left to herself , would be beyond her , while American objectives , although they did not entirely coincide with the French and for all the power which they would ultimately deploy , had to include France as a frail but , for the moment , indispensable means by which they might be attained .
8 This does not entirely square with the view that politicians are potentially too ‘ knavish ’ to make decisions of any importance , but it was , I suspect , near the mark .
9 At about the same time , in Saudi Arabia 's Eastern province , there was unrest among the Shiite minority , though not obviously connected with the Mecca incident .
10 While not necessarily dealing with the most important , nor the most contentious , matters , the criminal justice legislation , by virtue of its comprehensiveness and regularity , suggests more of a systematic approach to keeping in good repair the administration of justice and the working of the penal system than can be substantiated by events .
11 Though a number of economists have made further assumptions about the behaviour of the economy — principally , that firms will substitute labour for capital if there is unemployment ( because in those circumstances real wages will fall ) — which remove some of the apparent instabilities , others have concluded that the instability still occurs because the actual rate of investment may still not necessarily coincide with the warranted rate of growth for full employment .
12 A final point to bear in mind is that givenness is assigned by the speaker and , as such , does not necessarily correlate with the reality of the linguistic or extra-linguistic situation .
13 One of the difficulties in making the diagnosis of ME — which is a post viral syndrome with a multiplicity of symptoms — is that sufferers do not necessarily present with the same symptoms ; however the film showed most graphically how the entire family is affected by such a misunderstood illness .
14 Important as rules are , they do not necessarily bite with the same degree of force in every case .
15 This would not necessarily conflict with the picture of word-meaning developed so far if a single superordinate sense could be found which covered all the variants .
16 Since bilateral speech need not imply that speech functions are distributed equally between the hemispheres this does not necessarily conflict with the finding that the proportion of subjects showing a left ear advantage was highest among the strongly left handed .
17 While ethologists , like Zillmann , do not necessarily agree with the views of the innate aggressionists , their voices are not heard outside their own circle .
18 Furthermore , the figure stated for ‘ no ’ , probably also includes a number of those who wanted restrictions placed on the traditional model of sole practice ( and therefore answered ‘ no ’ to question 1 ) but who did not necessarily agree with the particular restriction proposed in question 2 .
19 Furthermore , when such encounters happen the females do not necessarily retreat with the losers ; the winners thereby gain more potential mates .
20 It is my feeling that competitive advantage will not necessarily lie with the company whose television advertising builds the best brand image , or whose direct marketing agency hires the best creative brains .
21 I do not necessarily disagree with the Minister .
22 The West could certainly produce more than it does , but equally certainly not enough to deal with the huge population increases projected for the developing world in the coming century .
23 But this is not enough to deal with the multiple expressions and experiences of subjectivity .
24 To the extent that the technological success is not highly correlated with the returns on the market portfolio , the project is not so risky for a well-diversified shareholder .
25 A second dimension , to serve as the horizontal axis , is selected from the next highest scoring constructs provided that this is not highly correlated with the first choice .
26 It is larger than her earlier work , but more nearly anonymous , not so marked with the idiosyncratic personality which so much delights readers in most of her novels and stories .
27 He noticed , however , that Billy Sullivan was not so smitten with the plan .
28 Shelley skilfully created a method of pop lyricism which , basking in intelligence , not only connected with the punk hardcore and the hip-intellects but also the young , lightweight Top Of The Pops viewers .
29 was not only filled with the Holy Spirit but constituted the fire of judgment to his hearers by means of his teaching and miracles .
30 This is not only to do with the intellectual innovations that led to the idea of the first factual surveys through to the social psychological and , finally , to the explanatory surveys incorporating variable analysis , but also to do with what is indicated about the nature of society and social life .
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