Example sentences of "not [art] case [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 " This is not the case of the head surrendering his responsibility but [ of his or her readiness to consult ] more and thus [ enhance ] his or her managerial role .
2 But joint Charlton manager Alan Curbishley said : ‘ Nobody begrudged Robert his move — and that was not the case with a couple of players when they left . ’
3 However , the appointment of a receiver must not be equated with that of a liquidator : ( i ) where a receiver is appointed the company need not go into liquidation and if it does the same person who acted as receiver will normally not be appointed liquidator ; ( ii ) liquidation is a class action designed to protect the interests of the unsecured creditors whereas , as we shall see , receivership is designed to protect the interests of the security holders who appointed the receiver and it is for this reason that a receiver can be appointed even where the company is in liquidation ; ( iii ) liquidation terminates the trading power of the company whereas this is not the case with receivership ; ( iv ) a liquidator has power to disclaim onerous property , something not possible in the case of receivership ; ( v ) a liquidator in a compulsory winding up is an officer of the court whereas this is not the case with a receiver unless appointed by the court ; ( vi ) lastly , it is easier to obtain recognition of liquidation as opposed to receivership in proceedings in foreign courts .
4 Yet while empty part of wall or canvas feels sloppy , unfinished , this is not the case with the glass .
5 This is not the case with the new satellite system called GPS .
6 Whereas the STANDARD shaping section will not , for example , allow you to have a sleeve head that is too big or too small for the armhole , this is not the case with the ORIGINAL shaping section .
7 This was not the case with the relocated banksides on the Meadowell where the existing distinction was perpetuated .
8 Moreover , the notion of corrigibility is itself suspect : strictly speaking , one can only correct an utterance when one knows what the speaker intended to say , and this is not the case with the specially constructed sentences used in semantic analysis .
9 This is not the case with the circular which emphasises that the move to the community must be beneficial for the people concerned .
10 At present , there is no means by which a judge can sufficiently control the length of time taken by a defendant , particularly — this was not the case with the County NatWest and Blue Arrow trial — one who is defending himself .
11 However , I thought it right to debate the report of the Select Committee chaired by my right hon. Friend the Member for Westmorland and Lonsdale ( Mr. Jopling ) because many hon. Members of all parties , which was not the case with the other Select Committee report , asked me to find an early opportunity to enable the House to give its initial response to that splendid and important report .
12 This way of conceiving permission obviously makes the permitting inseparable from the realization of the action permitted , which is not the case with the verbs allow and permit .
13 However , the Commission ruled that this was not the case with the Oxleas Wood and Kinneil cases .
14 This is not the case at a rehearsal where the players are dressed casually , people come and go , some members of the orchestra are talking to one another , while others are sitting drinking coffee , tea ( or perhaps even soup ) .
15 I appreciate roses more than snow , but that was not the case at the beginning .
16 This is not the case at the CAB .
17 ‘ If I was the best second row forward in England I 'd hope to get into the side , but that 's not the case at the moment , ’ he said .
18 In Gundovald 's description of his conversations with Guntram Boso , as set out by Gregory of Tours , Boso is reported to have said that Chilperic was dead ( which was not the case at the time ) , that Guntram was childless , and that Childebert had no support .
19 It can be used to provide the hot water supply for a washing machine , which is not the case for a single point heater .
20 Naturally the male 's reproductive success rises with the number of females on his territory : but this is not the case for the females themselves .
21 The smoothing procedure may be determined in advance but this is not the case for the shape and form of the final result : the data is allowed to speak for itself .
22 ( This is not the case for the Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children , RSSPCC . )
23 The BCG matrix was chosen because it had clearly measurable axes for hypothetical examples , which is not the case for the McKinsey-GE matrix .
24 This is not the case for the Riemann tensor : it vanishes wherever space–time is flat , whatever generalized coordinates are chosen .
25 This , however , is not the case for the first and third examples using the same adjective .
26 This was not the case as the amount of agricultural production qualifying for EAGGF ( Guarantee ) expenditure was relatively small .
27 It is at least arguable that this is not the case as the consideration for the allotment of the shares ( which are expressed to be credited as fully paid ) must be the transfer of the shares in the target , because that is the only consideration which the offeror receives under the arrangement ( apart from the merchant bank 's commitment to pay cash to accepting shareholders , but that is cancelled by the offeror 's commensurate obligation to procure accepting shareholders to authorise the offeror to allot the consideration shares to the merchant bank or as it directs , and so no net benefit flows to the offeror ) .
28 That might have been so in this nation , but it was not the case throughout the empire .
29 This might have been the case in France or West Germany ; but , as the administration rapidly found out , it was not the case in the United States .
30 The same is not the case in the Republic of Ireland with plans already activated to provide proper links to ports .
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