Example sentences of "not [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So this debate is not about saving foxes , it will achieve nothing for animal welfare it is not about the merits or otherwise of fox hunting , from which it diverts attention , it is about the county council seeking to make hollow gestures against their tenants ' rights .
2 I spent some time in discussion in Oman , not about the minesweepers but about the much more valuable corvette order that the Omanis are seeking to place , and I was given very satisfactory assurances by His Majesty the Sultan about those orders .
3 They showed that the death risks to plants in populations within years were commonly greatest when the survivors were growing fastest — not during the periods when the anthropomorphically-minded botanist would regard the physical environment as ‘ harsh ’ .
4 Not for the Germans that weary British cry that if we spend money on training workers , someone will poach them .
5 ‘ requiring a seat belt ’ Means per regulation 6 of the Motor Vehicles ( wearing of Seat Belts ) Regulation 1982 : ‘ The classes of vehicle mentioned in regulation 4 are ( a ) a vehicle to which Regulation 46 of the Construction and Use Regulations applies ( see later ) ; and ( b ) a vehicle which is equipped with anchorage points and seat belts and to which that Regulation would apply if it were not for the circumstances that the vehicle —
6 This was in fact , the state in which he thought er animals er existed , and it was the condition to which he believed humans beings would be reduced , were it not for the mechanisms that maintain social order .
7 Not after the things that Annie was saying . ’
8 A common institutional response is to be intolerant , not of the circumstances but of the patients and their families .
9 well your mum said to me well I 'll tell you the same as I 've told Con but I said I 'm not against the children or anything the children
10 It 's not like the prayers that we heard about a few weeks ago , from Paul 's letters to Timothy and Philemon , where he was addressing an individual .
11 That er lived in this house and they were the the real grass roots of the old Labour Party , the real socialists , not like the ones that we know today that only pay lip service to it .
12 Humankind , to summarise , has been moving shoddywards since about 480 BC , when Confucius , Buddha , the Second Isaiah and Pythagoras died : to be succeeded , sages of wisdom and toleration that they were , by a return to superstition not unlike the reactions that tragically followed the Enlightenment or Victorian rationalism .
13 Erm but this is more or less , indigenous within the engineering industry , there is even inherent within an engineering mind , and I 'm not with the planners or the technical experts , but even in the ordinary lay engineer , he looks to be able to do the job more efficiently , with the materials that he has in hand er and possibly introduce a new type of tool if he can get the proper material , and likewise the employer was doing the same thing .
14 Does he realise that the real potential danger to the Union of Scotland with Britain lies not with the separatists but with his Government 's refusal to listen to the voice of the people of Scotland ?
15 Captain Tupper , calling off a strike of fishermen in which he was engaged in August 1914 declared simply that " our fight was not with the employers but with another force which had attacked all that was ours " .
16 Thornburgh , who was about to leave the government in order to contest a Senate vacancy , insisted that he was concerned only with the jurisdiction of federal judges , and not with the rights or wrongs of the abortion issue .
17 ( The facts that Rousseau never used the phrase ‘ noble savage ’ , and that Hobbes has been widely misinterpreted are irrelevant here , since my concern is not with the conceptions that two seminal thinkers actually articulated , but is rather with the stereotyped dichotomous conceptions of human nature and human society that have come to be associated with their names . )
18 Gangs of men were at work trying to rescue the contents of the burning shacks , going from one to another , putting out the fires ; or so I thought till with a shock it came to me that these were no rescuers but incendiaries , that the battle I saw them waging was not with the flames but with the rain .
19 It urged the East German leadership to respond to demands for freedom ‘ not with the police but with understanding and open-mindedness ’ .
20 In the normal gastrointestinal tract , HLA-DR is constitutively expressed on small intestinal villus cells but not in the crypts or on gastric or colonic epithelial cells .
21 In Hamble village , their first precious spare hours were spent not in the pubs but in the Tesco 's supermarket watching shoppers walking up to overburdened shelves and putting all manner of goods in their baskets . ’
22 He once shocked Bonar Law , who took a rather more respectful view of money matters , by saying that ‘ a man who made a million quick ought to be not in the Lords but in gaol ’ .
23 Alike in size and general appearance , but not in the guards that operated them .
24 He was acquitted , but not before the dockers and other waterfront workers had entered the dispute in support of the seamen and victory over the employers had been won .
25 The greatest single expenditure on a Nonconformist chapel came not from the Congregationalists but from the Baptists and not in England but in Scotland .
26 In many ways the stimulus for this came not from the miners but from the wool and worsted textile workers who fought against further wage reductions in 1925 .
27 But while it would be wrong to minimize the hold of this movement , particularly in the south of France and in the Balkans , and especially between Bulgaria and Constantinople , the major threat to the future of the Church was not from the heretics but from the popular movements that sought to restore the laity 's role in the life of the Church .
28 The initial impetus for the rethink came not from the officials but from Sir Stafford Cripps in the summer of 1946 .
29 Indeed , such communications are not without the deceivers and manipulators , as in all walks of life .
30 What this approach soon reveals is that you often spend large amounts of time not on the things that matter but on activities which are relatively easy to devote time to , while the more difficult tasks tend to be pushed aside simply because they are more difficult .
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