Example sentences of "not [prep] the [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 NatWest put in £250,000 but not through the Money Advice Trust . ’
2 Many schools preferred at that time to have two paymasters rather than one , but in 1926 they were obliged to choose : those which thereafter received grants from the Board of Education in London , and not through the Local Education Authority , were reasonably enough known as direct-grant schools .
3 In his last public statement as Home Secretary , he announced : ‘ Once again the terrorists have tried to make their point through violence and not through the ballot box . ’
4 As well as making claims about the efficiency of markets , the theory denies the existence of producer power , at the same time drawing a reassuring analogy with democratic control in the political sphere : corporate behaviour is no more than a reflection of the popular will , expressed not through the ballot box , but via individual purchase decisions .
5 That man is not aboard the Santa Maria del Sud , nor the tug neither .
6 Not worth the licence fee as Derek says .
7 It 's not worth the risk Flora .
8 The Alps were compelling , but only as part of the scenery , not as the winter activity playground they were to become .
9 We need a conception of ourselves in the universe not as the master species but as the servant species : as the one being given responsibility for the whole and for the good of the whole .
10 Their ports and forts in the Spice Islands or the West Indies or the West Coast of Africa were intended as supply bases for shipping and not as the starting point for territorial expansion .
11 Foreign investors would see us not as the launch pad to Europe but as some backwater .
12 There was nothing primordial about Italianness , just as there is not about the South Africanness of the ANC .
13 WH : ‘ Our track ‘ Eastenders ’ is not about the TV show , it 's about …
14 At best they can tell us about aspects of the general biochemical and hormonal ‘ state ’ of the brain necessary for learning and memory formation to occur , the tuning and volume mechanisms , but not about the memory processes , the message on the tape itself .
15 She said : ‘ Tonight 's vote is not about the Maastricht Treaty .
16 Two patients with impaired peristalsis and oesophagitis reported a history of symptoms but not during the study period .
17 Special care he reserved for his own wife and not for the Mrs Strawsons of this world .
18 ( Note that these figures are for a hypothetical population with the life history given by a , not for the life history as it was while the lines were selected . )
19 It is not for the Home Secretary , government or the House to lay down to the courts how many people they send to prison .
20 Toys were not manufactured during the war , at least not for the home market .
21 Well it 's erm , it 's not for the conversation content it 's the words .
22 ‘ This is not for the Mamur Zapt . ’
23 So the family overstayed its permitted time and then left , not for the United States but for Galway , without notifying the authorities .
24 I think we 've erm we 've erm obviously learned that opting out is not for the Oxfordshire people — I 'm delighted about that and I just hope that as a result of this we do not see too many problems for Banbury School , both in the fact that the exercise has been somewhat divisory and I hope that they 're able to bring it together quickly afterwards .
25 A Minister for Health , not for the Tobacco Industry
26 At last there is a Minister for Health , not for the Tobacco Industry ’ .
27 The poem itself he found ‘ a pompous parade of erudition ’ , and he decided that ‘ were it not for the Laforgue mechanism , Mr Eliot s poetic variations on the theme of a super-refined futility would be increasingly thin and incredibly second rate ’ ( The Freeman , 17 January 1923 ) .
28 From what has been said above , it will be clear that the Oxford English Dictionary Department would not be what it is , if it were not for the Supplement project lying at the heart of its work .
29 The Treasury and the US Congress have provided Clinton with some statistical support for this perception , but not for the revenue estimate .
30 Its overall width is greater than the needs of the twentieth century but it was designed for moving herds of animals , not for the motor car .
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