Example sentences of "not [verb] on a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The defence does not arise on a plea of autrefois convict , but on the well-established rule at common law , that where a person has been convicted and punished for an offence by a court of competent jurisdiction , transit in rem judicatam , that is , the conviction shall be a bar to all further proceedings for the same offence , and he shall not be punished again for the same matter ; otherwise there might be two different punishments for the same offence .
2 This is a situation where you can not knock on a door and hope to be immediately granted the favours you seek .
3 Mr Eric Forth , consumer affairs minister , told MPs he had been ‘ very affected ’ by the death but ‘ on balance ’ had decided a ban was not justified on a product which carried a warning on the packaging .
4 it is not painted on a wall :
5 And Holly had not gazed on a woman for thirteen months .
6 of its shares and the other shareholders have not served notice requesting the preparation of group accounts and the company 's securities are not listed on a stock exchange in any member State .
7 Second , if leadership in God 's economy is not given on a basis of superiority then there is no reason to assume that the husband is the best equipped to make a given decision .
8 The night is black and there are no streetlights , and I feel as though I am not driving on a road at all , but forcing my way through clotted bushes .
9 Strictly speaking I 'm not occupied on a case at the moment , and this is quite unofficial .
10 The point of mentioning this development is not to launch on a digression about professional education , important though that is .
11 But Vera did not wait on a Home Office ruling .
12 Her endless list of extras include a helipad on the boatdeck and several other features that one would not expect on a boat of her size .
13 In the case of female homosexuals , the difficulty lesbian mothers have in retaining the custody of their children when this is contested by the children 's father is further evidence that lesbian sexuality is not accepted on a par with heterosexuality .
14 No , Arthur is not pulling on a bell rope !
15 The discussion here will be confined to self-interested goals ; consideration of ‘ socially responsible ’ motives will be deferred until Chapter 9 , which will conclude that sacrificing profits for socially responsible ends does not occur on a scale sufficient to raise serious doubts about the commitment of managers to profitability ( or whatever other , self-interested goals may predominate ) .
16 Madeleine said now : I hope you 're not going on a diet .
17 The tourist or business or conference traveller will more often than not travel on a plane manufactured by one of the few aerospace TNCs that dominate the civil airline industry , occupy a hotel room subcontracted to or owned or managed by the local affiliate of one of the few chains that dominate the global hotel industry , hire a car from an agency of one of the international firms that dominate the car rental industry , and will pay for all this with one of the credit cards issued by the few TNCs that control global personal finance .
18 MC do not work on a contingency fee basis .
19 It 's not handed on a plate or anything .
20 As has been normal for most organized communities that are not based on a money economy , African society was based on slavery ( in the sense of the life-long ownership of human beings who could be traded ) , which sometimes involved plantation work or even being used as a human sacrifice : there is no calculus to compare the disadvantages of local slavery with those of being taken across the Atlantic and used as plantation or mining labour .
21 The test is not based on a property lawyers view of the world but that of the businessman .
22 This certificate will not be required when the demand also requires payment of a separate debt , not based on a county court judgment , the amount of which exceeds the bankruptcy level ( at present £750 ) .
23 Silicon Graphics Inc , Mountain View , is not commenting on a report in the New York Times that it is considering teaming up with Time Warner Inc to develop hardware for interactive television .
24 When you send out tell them not to put on a road block because the guy driving the truck is a real ‘ Harvey Wallbanger ’ and he 'll go straight through a patrol car . ’
25 Nor would the suggestion of a derivational link to a noun hold good for an associative use of young rather common in advertisements : ( 14 ) the young place to go young clothes the young thing to do Another thing to emphasize is that what we are considering does not depend on a change of sense in the adjective ; in some cases , certainly , the shift from ascription to association or vice versa may be accompanied by or compatible with such a lexical change ; but this may happen equally in cases of classical structural ambiguity , such as : ( 15 ) Charles will give a talk on the village green where two different senses of on are called upon , as one shifts from the one structure to the other .
26 Sadly for Kylie though , whether or not she got the most important role she had yet auditioned for did not depend on a man already convinced of her potential .
27 Meanwhile other chemists have tried to fashion totally synthetic models that do not depend on a porphyrin ligand .
28 An IR system based on ASKs would not depend on a user 's query formulation but would attempt to describe the ASK and thus " construct " an image of user needs .
29 As was stated at the beginning of the chapter , Christianity does not depend on a belief that Jesus worked miracles .
30 It is not necessary for the plaintiff to owe the defendant a duty of care : Although contributory negligence does not depend on a duty of care , it does depend on foreseeability .
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