Example sentences of "not [verb] to [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A fact , by the way , she had not communicated to the police .
2 They were rather pleased with themselves for saying this , because it was something the Gruagach would find quite flattering and , also , it had not referred to the Wolfkings , which would have been extremely discourteous , not to say disastrous .
3 It meant the costs and the financial implications were not explained to the relatives , although the consequences for them were quite serious .
4 ‘ She decided it would be very much more sensible to conserve her energies for her programme later in the summer and not to go to the races .
5 You 're not to go to the woods any more .
6 Later , Tommy warns Ann not to go to the police , or tell anyone what has happened .
7 I feared as well that Mills might not be dead after all , that he 'd recovered miraculously and decided for some reason not to go to the police .
8 The poison was not given to the Indians in massive doses that would have provoked a reaction , but was administered drop by drop , until it brought about the loss of personality .
9 I should prefer that the appointments are not given to the governors of the banks of individual member states .
10 Rates do not relate to the costs of providing services to different residents .
11 Because there are many types of surgery the examples used may not relate to the patients you encounter on your first surgical ward .
12 In culture , the cells are not exposed to the factors that cells in the spleen or marrow might secrete or other factors circulating in the blood .
13 The criticisms of the luxurious life led by the nobility ( with its attendant implications of better diet and better health ) were not limited to the writers of such political pamphlets .
14 Leapor 's treatment of the family is not limited to the relations of husbands and wives .
15 Stan is not limited to the confines of a library .
16 This explains why Mr. Llewellyn-Jones , for the defendant , sought to persuade your Lordships that the power to order the board to pay the defendant 's costs under section 18 was not limited to the costs he incurred as an unassisted party but extended to the whole costs of the proceedings .
17 But we 're not pandering it 's not pandering to the kids !
18 And some of the painful medicine required — like plant closures and unemployment — will not appeal to the workers either .
19 ‘ Bertha saw the wolf and she wished she had not come to the gardens .
20 The National Olympic Council indicated that they do not object to the tours by New Zealand and Australia and neither would they do anything to prevent the Springboks from touring France and England later in the year .
21 The judge in determining those issues held , inter alia , that under the terms of the mortgage deeds and other securities the defendants were entitled to a full indemnity against their costs , charges and expenses and the plaintiffs could not object to the items in the accounts on the ground that they were unreasonable except where the items referred to costs in the litigation subject to an order for taxation .
22 To obtain a correct view of the ulcer and stigmata of recent bleeding , the lesions were gently washed to remove blood that had not adhered to the lesions .
23 Even though 30,000 lives had been lost and massive amounts of matériel consumed on both sides , Madrid did not fall to the Nationalists .
24 This brought acid secretion in the duodenal ulcer patients into the range of the H pylori positive healthy volunteers but it did not fall to the values of H pylori negative healthy volunteers .
25 Brownie Owl continued : ‘ I think Farmer Bolsover is mostly afraid that we might do damage to his crops by not keeping to the paths , or taking a fancy to the fruit in his orchard . ’
26 It is noticeable that a number of other politicians abroad have made it perfectly clear that this country becomes a more attractive place for investment — and therefore for jobs and prosperity — because we are not committed to the costs of the social chapter .
27 But an interest in jewellery was not confined to the Pre-Raphaelites .
28 Although the activities of the three major BR unions are not confined to the railways , railway employees form the large majority of their membership .
29 The book is not confined to the needs of the conveyancing practitioner , however ; it is thought that the divorce practitioner should also have knowledge of the different types of conveyance which may be ordered by the court or agreed between the parties and the points which should be taken into account at that time , the protective measures that might be taken before the conveyance is concluded and the documentation that may be required in dealing with life policies .
30 The importance of asking questions is not confined to the needs and problem identification stage .
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