Example sentences of "not [verb] to [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had not adjusted to prison life as Nehru was able to do ; he had found it ‘ a shattering experience ’ .
2 They do not relate to assessment arrangements , although these are covered in the Working Group 's Report .
3 Deciduous trees appear less affected than conifers , partly because they offer a smaller area of foliage , and partly because they shed their leaves each autumn and hence are not exposed to air pollution for such a long time as conifers .
4 Last week the UK Department of Health confirmed its earlier recommendations that the risk of cot death is reduced if infants are laid to sleep on their backs , if they are not exposed to cigarette smoke before or after birth , and if they are not overwrapped or overheated , especially when feverish or unwell .
5 This study shows that the motor activity of the normal human oesophagus is not limited to contraction waves in response to swallowing , but that non-deglutitive motility patterns occur in almost all normal gullets .
6 In making such an appraisal , the MMC is not limited to competition questions , but is supposed to consider all factors which appear relevant : the balanced distribution of industry and employment in the UK is listed as relevant and , in the past , the MMC has also examined the effect on the balance of payments and on imports .
7 It is recognised that full configuration control of software is not limited to source code and that it is desirable to control the whole environment in which the target machine-code is produced .
8 It should be noted that the SGSA , s 2 is not limited to business contracts .
9 Some might joke unkindly that road deaths in the region are not limited to traffic accidents .
10 While this remains largely true , there is growing awareness , not confined to elite groups , that decision-makers at the national level are unable to solve pressing domestic problems .
11 Contributors are not confined to University historians , however .
12 The natural meaning of rule 1(4) seems to us to give the expression ‘ costs ’ a meaning that is not confined to litigation costs .
13 Contests over perquisites were not confined to textile manufacture .
14 The Flashman incident may be the lowest point to which those who run our football clubs have descended but the shenanigans , admittedly not with fisticuffs as an accompaniment , are not confined to north London .
15 The rising was not confined to North Africa , however .
16 Accountability is not confined to policy matters , as William Whitelaw found when he had to report to an astonished House of Commons that an intruder had got into the Queen 's bedroom at Buckingham Palace .
17 This was not confined to security information but encompassed any information which was not in the interests of the state to disclose .
18 These benefits are not confined to mortgage interest relief and pension contribution relief ; there are over a hundred .
19 The work of the observatory is not confined to migrant birds , and there are on-going studies on the many thousands of sea-birds which nest in the cliffs .
20 to provide opportunities for members not attracted to committee work to make a useful contribution .
21 These Working Groups would undertake tasks of a practical nature and they could provide opportunities for people not attracted to committee work to become involved and make a contribution .
22 Yesterday , in a letter to the GP signatories , Mr Fallon says he did not refer to fundholding practices but believes they have benefitted from controlling their budgets .
23 General practitioners can determine the pattern of later health care delivery in Alzheimer 's disease and may not refer to specialist outpatient care .
24 This is particularly true for older men and for those with less education , though it 's not related to income level .
25 At first sight they seemed distinct : voting patterns were not related to policy issues ; people spoke of their voting intentions in terms of fraternal solidarities , while they conducted a subtle and nuanced assessment of the effects of government on their own lives and on national prestige .
26 In general , silvicultural techniques include the regulation of regeneration , species composition and growth and may be designed to enhance aspects of forestry , such as improvement of habitats for wildlife , that are not related to timber production .
27 I would also like to draw to your attention the which is not related to accident prevention and therefore within the existing criteria does not qualify for County Council support , generally speaking .
28 On a point of order , Mr. Speaker — not related to business questions or to the fact that I am sulking or anything like that ; it is a totally different matter .
29 They co-authored three papers together in 1985 — their first work together though not related to test-tube fusion .
30 However , what is most apparent generally in the provisions described is that deaf children are unable to interact , do not contribute to class lessons through speech , are subjected to distorted and exaggerated mouthings by teachers and pupils in order to convey specific information ( i.e. not natural language interaction ) and are unlikely to have secure peer group friendships .
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