Example sentences of "not [verb] such [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do not think such a man can be killed .
2 And do not think such an object can be disguised for that is manifest nonsense as you have only to try to discover .
3 One young male reporter left in tears and said he would not cover such a case again .
4 I can not make such a promise .
5 Why , even the executives — clever men , ambitious men , men with briefcases full of management accounts and demographics — can not make such a promise .
6 ‘ I will not make such a mistake again ! ’
7 He can not make such a commitment .
8 Sally-Anne tossed her head at this , and repeated that it was all nothing — ‘ And really you should not make such a fuss over so little ’ — but all the same she was happy to let Matey help her up to bed ; she felt strangely weak , and the thought of Sunday lunch and washing up , and all the work to be done before the day was over , made her feel worse than ever .
9 A person detained involuntarily may not make such a declaration ( 1983 Act , s.7 ) .
10 On the other hand , the Fipa , and the Zapotec do not make such a distinction meaningful .
11 If the Court of Session could make an order of the same nature , it was better to resort to its jurisdiction ; if it would not make such an order , the English court would hesitate the more before seeking to make an order to be effective in Scotland .
12 The court must not make such an order if satisfied that the petitioning creditor 's debt has been paid either from third party funds or from the disposition of the debtor 's own property with the approval of the court ( r 6.31(3) ) .
13 Even in the case of specific or ascertained goods the court will not make such an order unless damages for non-delivery would not lie an adequate remedy .
14 A local authority can not apply for a residence or contact order and the court can not make such an order in its favour ( s9(2) ) .
15 Not surprisingly , in our judgment , the barrister would not make such an apology or explanation to the jury .
16 You can not want such a person for a wife , and I certainly do not want a husband who thinks that of me — even before marriage . ’
17 Now , you would not want such a thing bandied about , would you ? ’
18 Wilson 's disinclination to protest against the inquiry probably arose from a reasonable belief that any senior politician who did not want such an inquiry had something discreditable to hide .
19 I had not heard such a remark before .
20 " In the normal course of things we 'd not treat such a disappearance seriously . "
21 Egypt 's pioneering efforts in regard to peacemaking are well established and respected , and I do not consider such a line of questioning helpful .
22 The grounds of the appeal were that ( 1 ) the judge misdirected himself in holding that the preliminary issue should be answered in the affirmative and/or in giving judgment on the preliminary issue for the plaintiff and ( 2 ) the defendants were not liable in negligence to the plaintiff for any injury , loss or damage suffered by him while a foetus and en ventre sa mère since he was born prior to the passing of the Congenital Diabilities ( Civil Liability ) Act 1976 and the common law did not recognise such a cause of action .
23 In practice instruments could not survive such a journey ; they would be torn apart by the increasing gravitational field gradients .
24 We could not include such a group because of practical difficulties and limited medical manpower ; also there would be inevitable concern that individuals agreeing to be part of such a control group would be self-selecting members of a group with additional risk factors .
25 But Waste Management is a British issue and Merill Lynch does not enjoy such a luxury .
26 Although I consider that at the relevant time Lautro 's Rules , and thus its procedure , were defective in the respects I have outlined , for the reasons I have given I conclude that Lautro were not required by law to afford to Winchester the opportunity to make representations as to why an intervention notice should not be served before deciding whether or not to serve such a notice .
27 IBM Corp is expected to announce today that it is switching to what it calls value-based pricing for mainframe software , charging on either a per-user or elapsed time used basis ; the company issued a cryptic statement in response to the Financial Times story alleging that Louis Gerstner had put the break-up of IBM on hold , saying that Gerstner had not said such a thing for public consumption and that he had no plans to do so .
28 The old case authorities suggest that the nature of a share as property does not prevent such a course , but the more modern cases seem to incline towards some restrictions upon the use of votes where there is a conflict of interest involved .
29 I am not advocating such a theory of parsing English into formal representations — I happen not to believe strongly in such ‘ top — down ’ theories , though there are several relatively successful ones in the literature .
30 The orally fixated individual however , like the primal hunter-gatherer , can not achieve such a self-mastery and must rely on his luck to feed whenever and wherever he may need to do so .
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