Example sentences of "not [verb] them at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To Ruth , crouching by Gran , he seemed hugely tall ; but he gazed round like a helpless child , seeming not to see them at first .
2 Technologically and economically it requires more explaining than is now possible , not least because of the loss or destruction or records , to say nothing of not keeping them at all .
3 Er , very wary of those , really , and we 're not recommending them at all .
4 not hunting them at all ?
5 Some princes did not employ them at all until the second half of the century .
6 I do not see them at all .
7 Some judges make extensive use of shoulder headings ; some do not use them at all .
8 Considering the Hay & Maddock results for human geography , where the authors found that 40% of social scientists rarely refer to theses , and 29% do not use them at all , it will be apparent that geological theses form a significant element in the communication process , since almost half of them are cited .
9 My parents had died when I was a baby , so I could not remember them at all , but quite often I used to visit the churchyard , about a mile from the village , to look at their names on their gravestones .
10 Some people prefer not to use them at all and remove them .
11 During the final edit the TV company 's commissioning editor for arts , Waldemar Januszczak decided not to use them at all .
12 Because she had never known her parents well , she did not miss them at all .
13 This can result in buyers waiting for months for the goods to arrive or not getting them at all and being fobbed off with a different machine .
14 Obviously there is a very delicate balance between erm demanding too much of people 's time in consulting and talking with you , and not involving them at all , and you have to be very sensitive to how much time people are prepared to give and how much they want to be involved in something .
15 Not chasing them at all !
16 For one has to recognize that if one had their desires one would not accept principles which rode roughshod over their satisfaction , and this implies that one should not accept them at all , since one can not universalise them to that hypothetical situation in which one would be forced to reject them .
17 Therefore there is a logical tendency to preclude from view the social reasons why people are using the land in such a way as to cause excessive soil erosion , and so most conservation policies do not address them at all .
18 Often they could not find them at all .
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