Example sentences of "not [verb] when the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Bill gives asylum seekers in that position the right — it did not exist when the case was before the court — to appeal to an independent adjudicator .
2 A cause of action which did not exist when the summons was issued can be added by amendment only with the consent of the other party ( Chuan Chow Maritime v K/S A/S Bulk Transport ( 1984 ) The Times , 25 February ) .
3 Early risers can also have cheap electric showers ( not quite so early in the summer , as the clock is not altered when the change is made to British Summer Time ) , while fridges , freezers and outside lights will cost less to run .
4 If the density decreases upwards , then the turbulence must do work against buoyancy forces , which therefore produce a loss of turbulent energy additional to viscous dissipation ; turbulence can not persist when the density gradient is too large .
5 But the major reason is that the large increase in the number of heavy goods vehicles was not foreseen when the motorways were designed .
6 Trespass is therefore not committed when the defendant enters with the authority of a licence .
7 If Labour can not win when the country is in the deepest recession since the war and the Tories have ditched their greatest electoral asset , can it have any hope of ever again forming a government ?
8 This is not permitted when the USER DETAILS transfer mode is DELETE .
9 This is not permitted when the USER DETAILS transfer mode is INHIBIT .
10 This is not permitted when the MODULE DETAILS transfer mode is DELETE .
11 This is not permitted when the MODULE DETAILS transfer mode is INHIBIT .
12 This is not permitted when the DC DETAILS transfer mode is DELETE .
13 This is not permitted when the DC DETAILS transfer mode is INHIBIT .
14 The Vets were not evacuated when the hurricane struck and Hemingway reports on the wind and the tidal wave that killed hundreds of them .
15 But she would not speak when the guard was near ; she did not want to betray her knowledge to the strangers .
16 What they had not done when the Celts were plundering Greece and Asia Minor , they did later for the benefit of the Romans .
17 Some hemiplegic patients are incontinent , either because they have poor sensation and can not feel when the bladder or bowel needs to be emptied , or because they do not pay attention and so forget to go to the toilet , or ask to be taken .
18 International law was not enforced when the US invaded Panama and Grenada .
19 It is a pity that the special position of chemists was not recognised when the legislation was being prepared , but I believe that a simple procedure could easily be worked out by the RSC and MAFF .
20 For any atom that does not move when the operation is applied , there is a particular contribution to the character , and this is the same for every such atom for a particular type of symmetry operation .
21 Indeed , the conscious mind is not employed when the Christian prays in tongues to the Lord ( I Cor. 14:14 ) .
22 The thermodynamic and psychological arrows of time would not reverse when the universe begins to recontract or inside black holes .
23 About a dozen of the fry were ‘ belly-sliders ’ , something which I attribute to inbreeding , as the problem did not recur when the female was later mated to the wild male ; I can not say I have ever had this particular deformity ( of the swim-bladder , so the fish lack buoyancy ) in any other mouthbrooder .
24 ‘ While the vehicle was in motion ’ means that the vehicle must be moving either backwards or forwards and that these regulations do not apply when the vehicle is stationary .
25 It was not clear enough to protect the sellers from the consequences of their own negligence and it did not apply when the sellers had delivered something wholly different in kind from that which had been ordered .
26 This divergence between collective and individual rationality is not encountered when the means by which the real wage is reduced is via an increase in the absolute price level .
27 What is found in studies of this question is that priming is not reduced when the primer is handwritten and the target printed ( Morton , 1978 ) or when the primer is in one case and the target is in another ( Scarborough , Cortese and Scarborough , 1977 ) .
28 If LSTRAIN is not running when the user executes the command file , then the user will get a message similar to that shown in Figure 2.7 .
29 Whereas in the wild , the effect of a burst of adrenaline would be worked off by the strenuous exercise ( running for your life ) that followed , this does not happen when the adrenaline is generated by an unpleasant encounter with a bank manager or traffic warden .
30 Some debris still remains and I should be grateful if you would arrange for its immediate removal and also ensure that they same thing does not happen when the embankment on Station Lane is tidied .
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