Example sentences of "not [verb] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A return for loss of use of the money is still required and if no return were made then buyers would not lend to the government and would lend elsewhere , for example .
2 If the parent finds difficulty in not reacting to the child while in ‘ time out ’ on the chair , it may be better for the child to be placed in a safe separate room for the equivalent time .
3 It must be because I 'm not reacting to the socket like the receptionist would .
4 A fact , by the way , she had not communicated to the police .
5 They were rather pleased with themselves for saying this , because it was something the Gruagach would find quite flattering and , also , it had not referred to the Wolfkings , which would have been extremely discourteous , not to say disastrous .
6 In a second study , Kennedy ( 1972 ) found that repetition after 1 year was less common in patients admitted to the Edinburgh Regional Poisoning Treatment Centre ( 12 per cent ) than in those who made attempts and were not referred to the Centre , irrespective of whether the latter were referred to psychiatrists elsewhere ( 38 per cent repeated ) or not ( 37 per cent repeated ) .
7 Not squeeze to the side because they might not see you there .
8 Although the parents and the study staff were not blinded to the vaccine groups , parents gave informed consent before knowing which vaccine their child would receive .
9 My dream is achievable because all we have to do is stop doing some of the things we are already doing : stop using the productive forces we have developed to create disabilities through warfare , environmental pollution and industrial accidents ; stop creating disabilities through poverty by using our vast wealth not in pursuit of capital accumulation and profit , but in ensuring that we all have the necessities to sustain material life ; and stop judging and treating people on the basis of the contribution they can or can not make to the development and operation of these productive forces .
10 There might have been some other more rational explanation , but it was not furnished to the House by the Secretary of State .
11 The collapse is possible because many of the ribs are not joined to the sternum , and those that do join make contact by long flexible cartilages .
12 Many slimmers make this an excuse for not sticking to the diet , but I find it much easier being away from the kitchen and the kettle !
13 Perhaps the Norwich striker had not adjusted to the importance of the occasion , but Norman was able to make a crucial save .
14 Do you not got to the school 's for suggestions ?
15 It meant the costs and the financial implications were not explained to the relatives , although the consequences for them were quite serious .
16 The accused 's conviction was quashed because the judge had not explained to the jury that the sale amounted to theft only if the victim had a " proprietary right or interest " in the video .
17 ( A ) The following provisions apply to periods during which the headship of the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory is not assigned to the professor :
18 Something that was not form , but was only matter , could not become general in this way and could not answer to the generality of the concepts with which we think .
19 The vast majority of what are generally called well-educated persons in this country have , in the very process of their education , been impressed with the belief that metre is an arrangement of language which can be judged by the application of a mechanical test , and that the poet who produces a line which does not answer to the test is a fit subject for correction by any critic who can point out the discrepancy .
20 Organise your affairs so as to get to the patient quickly , or decide not to go to the patient and use routinely the 999 service , but do have a practice policy .
21 The next morning I thought it wiser not to go to the Treasury .
22 ‘ She decided it would be very much more sensible to conserve her energies for her programme later in the summer and not to go to the races .
23 You 're not to go to the woods any more .
24 Cloke said his instructions on Vaguely Artistic were to sit upsides the favourite , Market Leader , and not to go to the front too quickly .
25 She could have decided not to go to the bus-stop , because she foresaw that it would all end in her death .
26 Later , Tommy warns Ann not to go to the police , or tell anyone what has happened .
27 I feared as well that Mills might not be dead after all , that he 'd recovered miraculously and decided for some reason not to go to the police .
28 She was n't sure if he would come , but it never occurred to her not to go to the rock where they had met before .
29 And then we decided not to go to the Hanover Fair , so change the specification so that it could be a a versatile sort of display for whatever we wanted to display .
30 At the end of March , however , An Taisce , Cork , decided not to object to the granting of planning permission .
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