Example sentences of "not [verb] [prep] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Surere could not disappear in the way that he had without powerful help .
2 Back at his hotel , packing for his return to London , John wondered how to fit this large acquisition into his luggage , could not think of a way , decided that he did not want a souvenir of the trip anyway because of his gloom about the impending ballet , so tore it up and threw it in the wastepaper basket .
3 You would not think from the way Lavinia lived that there was anything at all ! ’
4 It is not biased towards the way that the data may be accessed from storage media .
5 It can be much worse if you are selling as well as buying , for you are then involved in a dreaded thing called ‘ the chain' , which only moves at the pace of the slowest , if it does not disintegrate along the way and put you back to square one .
6 He finds it sad that the USM and fund markets have not developed in the way that they were expected to at the outset .
7 I agree that the discretion under article 13 ( a ) is not limited in the way that Mr. Wall submits .
8 The players who have strolled through our consciousness these past 10 years are mostly with us yet , but whatever they do in the Nineties will not resound in the way that their achievements of the Eighties did .
9 For there is a formula which generates the ‘ deviant ’ continuation from the same early stages ; since both series start in the same way , we can not appeal to the way in which one starts in order to justify our preference for its way of going on .
10 However , the study was not designed in a way that would allow the conclusion that physicians were as accurate as psychiatrists in their diagnoses and recommendations .
11 When we are hurt by someone 's behaviour , all that is happening is that we are disappointed because they do not behave in the way we expect and the reality conflicts with our ideals .
12 But if The Order of Things is thus concerned to analyse ‘ ensembles of discourses ’ that do not form a totality , it does not focus on the ways in which such forms of knowledges relate to the institutions in which and through which they are produced .
13 On the other hand , such an authority must act in good faith , use the powers for the purpose for which they were given , take into account relevant matters and disregard the irrelevant , and must not act in a way so unreasonable that no reasonable authority could have so acted .
14 Needs have to be met to enable active citizenship as without education , welfare , health care , self-respect , and law we can not act in a way we would like to .
15 He announced that he was prepared to admit that the invisible undetectable substance existed on the moon , but insisted that it was not disturbed in the way suggested by his rival but in fact was piled up on top of the mountains so that they were many times higher than they appeared through the telescope .
16 Or not seen in the way she seemed to see .
17 Nigel thought his mother was rather crude as well as not versed in the ways of the world and in what men want .
18 Before we leave this topic , with some doubtless well-received witticisms about the American ateliers that are called Schools of Creative Writing , let us ask ourselves how an artistic tradition is transmitted from generation to generation in England , if it is not transmitted in the way that Pound took for granted .
19 He could not plan for the way of the wind , that was luck , but for the rest he had everything at his finger-ends .
20 The language that most of the home computers are used with is BASIC , and although there are a few words in that language which look like English words , like ‘ If ’ and ‘ Let ’ and ‘ Go to ’ and perhaps some others depending on the dialect of BASIC that you have , these words do not work in the way that ordinary English speakers are used to .
21 If they are not used in the way nature intended they become more subject to dental disease and caries ; chewing fibre-rich foods helps to keep the teeth cleaner and free of plaque in a variety of different ways .
22 That they were usually successful indicates that the thieves understood the workings of the colonial bureaucracy , and that government did not function in the way intended by higher officials .
23 Jane often tried to shock her mother into facing some of the world 's uglier problems , but Laura did not react in the way Jane might have expected .
24 Ben and his young friends had been told at the start of the meeting to behave themselves and not get in the way of the other archers , so they were not too pleased when he beat them at their own game .
25 Moreover , this limit does not depend on the way in which one tries to measure the position or velocity of the particle , or on the type of particle : Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle is a fundamental , inescapable property of the world .
26 I 'm not carping about the way Marks handled the case ; an adult woman went missing in circumstances which seemed to offer a plausible explanation .
27 Charlie says : ‘ I think it must be very difficult every day to give so much of yourself to so many people — and not feel in a way that , since you 've given a great deal , therefore you deserve love and warmth when you go home . ’
28 Time , now Henry was forty , did not proceed in the way it had previously done .
29 Local authorities did not respond in the way the government had hoped .
30 To understand the meaning of the Investiture Contest for the men of the early twelfth century , prior to the pontificate of Innocent III and his successors , we have to remember that the issues were not settled in the way which we now know to have been the outcome .
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